Hello Everyone!
I'm so happy I finally found Nexus.me after all these decades upon decades and years upon years.
I'll tell you a bit about myself as much as I can at least.
I was born with Muscular dystrophy and lost enough muscle mass that I stopped walking in early 2000's and started having 24/7 chronic pain and using a electric wheelchair. Before this I lived independently, but was stuck in a fork in the road. Do I go home to the parents or do I try and rough it on my own, alone? (since no friends wanted to live with me during that moment at least)
I chose to go back to my parents with my tail between my legs.
A couple decades later I've been severely depressed and nothing that worked and running out of time and choices. meds,omega 3's,sunlight, therapists,exercise,etc, didn't help and was running out of choices while the depression was getting darker and darker and about to swallow me whole.
I then found a podcast on the Joe Rogan podcast talking with Paul Stamets, that he was talking about microdosing (following protocol and stacking lion's mane and Niacin) and that opened up my eyes to give that a try.
Amazed to say that this is the only thing that actually has worked for me so far! I only wish that I had found out about this earlier, but i'm finally starting to become me again and it feels great!
I want the let the world know all about, especially people suffering with depression and other problems it can help with, while i'm getting better myself.
Finding out about microdosing you come across more and more and I've really become interested with DMT because muscular dystrophy is a neurological disease and DMT is all about neurogenesis or at least very similar to neurology so I think it could really help me see what I need to help improve my life and keep going day by day.
I have tried DMT 4 times and last time was a breakthrough and since then I've been on Nexus trying to learn as much as I can before I try again. I think DMT has helped out my depression as well because I see so much more about life and the universe after all these experiences.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see some of you around!