Just to update...
Swim told me she done this:
So for Swims large volume of naptha (from an stb), 600ml... Swim added 500ml of 5% acetic acid.
Shook the shit outta it.
(the layers were left to seperate for a good ten minutes)
Pulled of the naptha and saved for a rainy day.
Added a lye solution of 50-100g for 300ml water... approx (no scales at Swims Girls house)
The whole thing went white and cloudy.
Shook the shit outta it.
Added Hot naptha (100ml) & shook the shit outta it.
Sat in a hot water bath, regularly shook the shit outta it.
Pulled naptha and put in the freezer. (naptha looking cloudy, nebula's of whiteness whirling about in the liquid)
An hour later there's a substantial dump of crystals in there.
To summarize, 5 pulls on 250grams of bark resulting in 1250ml naptha, evaporated to 600ml then transferd via acid-base to a fresh 100ml of hot naptha and freeze precipitated.
The original 1250ml naptha from the stb would not precipitate anything in 4 days. Was evaporated down to 600ml and still would not precipitate.
The freezer aint too cold either.
As soon as this re-acid-base was done, a dump of crystals started forming in under an hour.
Swim told me that she would send pictures and yield sizes to me after a good 48 hours of freezer time.
Would this be an STB-btab?
“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna