Hey @Phangz and @Transition! (I don't know if that's how you tag people)
Lucid dreaming is something I became interested in after my first shrooms trip. I can't be sure about this, but according to what I've read in the James Fadiman's
The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide, lucid dreaming is a possible side effect of macro (and possibly micro) doses.
I had always tried to lucid dream but without any luck. However, within a week of taking shrooms, I achieved a vivid lucid dream! So I'd say that's definitely step one (anecdotally). However, my biggest tools have been keeping a dream journal (feels silly but it definitely helps your dream recall) and practicing DILD.
So DILD is short for Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming. So, throughout the day, I remind myself to do reality checks, which usually entails genuinely questioning if I'm in a dream and trying to push my finger through my palm. If my finger makes it through my palm, well, I'm dreaming. It helps to run this process whenever you feel something out of the ordinary happened in your day. Question what you've been doing for the past few hours, the logic behind your current actions (I once became lucid when I realized I was illogically stuffing cookies in my mouth while I was in the bathroom, that's just not something I do).
It can take a few weeks. But generally, you will start to question those same things in your dreams the next time you find yourself at a high school reunion without any pants.
I hope that helps! But let me know if you have any more questions!