Hi everyone!
My name is blyablya and the sentimental (not actually) origin of my name is "damn" in Russian, written twice.
I'm in my mid 20s, and about 3 years ago I learned about the existence of a substance
by the name of DMT.
Lots of Googling (or DuckDuckGo'ing) and I found this place, and I was just so fascinated by this parallel hyper-realistic hyperspace entity-inhabited dimension traveling (insert more adjectives here) molecule and enjoyed reading countless of experience reports that put such mind blowing vivid imagery in my head.
I've begun my research on how could I also get shot out of a cannon and be shattered into a million fragments as my consciousness became one with the universe.
I wasn't quite ripe for this journey, and also at the time could not properly locate safe to use chemicals. And then I just kinda put the DMT quest in the back-burner.
Recently I have returned, still not quite ripe for this (logistics/environment), so I cannot at this stage do any extractions. And it's not something you want to rush into...
Recreational interest never was in mind (not opposed to it though). I've never done any psychedelics. The only mind-altering drugs I've used are alcohol and weed. It looks like quite the leap to go from weed to DMT, but it's because I view it more than just an hallucinogenic substance.
Unfortunately I only see myself extracting in at least 1 year from now.
Until then, the parallel universe which feels more real than our own can wait, and it's not going anywhere.
Due to never using any psychedelics, I do not have any experiences to share in this regard.
So most of the time I'm here is spent in the live chat (I do read the forums though).
The community is very welcoming, helpful and informative and this site really has quality members and information.
Whenever possible, I will continue to steadily increase my knowledge about everything related to DMT, teks, MAOIs, plants, etc for the time being.
So when the day comes, I am equipped with the knowledge necessary to get the job done.
And one day I will finally be able to post my first (DMT) psychedelic experience.
Thanks for reading.
Stand on your wallet, I want to see how tall you are.