observe wrote:Sunday when vaping enhanced herbs at the beach I took 2 hits looked at my hands and told my friend I looked like a lizard then held my hand out in awe asking him if he saw my scales too.
Thanks for your comment.
Actually, it makes sense that you would think other people would see the same, especially if you're both tripping. In the early 90's, I was a pure hedonist and was out raving every weekend. My partner and I usually did a few E's. However, on occasion, we would each drop a tab of acid. When I did, I noticed that some people in the crowd had patterns on their faces, akin to what you see in tribal/shamanic cultures. One night, I mentioned this to my partner and he told me he saw the same. Not everyone had these patterns. We surmised that maybe the "painted" people were also on acid.
So, we started asking the people with the markings if they were tripping. The vast majority said yes. We believe the people who said no were probably lying or were paranoid or thought we were the dibble. We also asked them if they saw the same thing and most said they did. Most believed it was just a part of their trip alone and never thought it indicated the people they saw with the markings were tripping too. The odd person who did figure it out was so pleased we asked them, as it confirmed their suspicions. Those trips we got in the early 90's were the only trips I've ever done with this effect.
potnoble wrote:Trust me Duncan i had maggot hands
Trust me, I trust you. I was joking around. Hence, the wink at the end.
“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” -R.I.P. Terry Pratchett
Dharma Mantra Tantra