fractal enchantment wrote:you might like the full spectrum jimjam stuff more...its very friendly and has a female presense to it..I like to work with the whole plants as spirits but thats just me..
Ya, that's what I plan on doing for my next extraction. See I pulled like 98% of the white spice out of the bark, and then two months later got some D-Limonene to get the jungle out of the soup.
mad_banshee wrote:Yes, I combined the three once and it was the most amazing and wonderful trip I ever had. I wasn't able to re-create it though..probably mindset and/or dosing.
I've found that for me, salvia seems to block the dmt breakthru, but that one time the mj definately acted as an enabler allowing the spice and salvia to co-exist. I came to the highest brilliant and energetic high imaginable from the spice on every inhale of my breath, then swooped down to the deepest -stop time, energy, and existance- low from the salvia on every exhale of my breath. It was like I was touching my spirit on every level of my life energy upon every breath I took. Totally amazing. Sometime I'll try it again.
Awesome report, man. It's good to read that someone else has done the three together. This reinforces my desire to try it again.
Evening Glory wrote:
What about drinking Ayahuasca and then quidding Salvia leaves to one reach the desired effects? Maybe throw in a joint there... Hmmm... Smile
That sounds like it would be amazing...then again I have yet to make some Ayahuasca, and my Sally D can't afford to lose too many leaves. I did however do Pharmahuasca after I posted yesterday. I downed 160 mg harmine/harmaline and 60mg of dark jungle. After about an hour I felt slightly stoned, and I was having weak CEVs. Not satisfied at all I downed another 60mg jungle fumerate, and 190mg of the same harmalas. Another hour passed and I felt extremely stoned just laying in my bed.
After some time just laying there I felt like I was remote controlling this human being called, SWIM from another galaxy or something. I was not satisfied at all, and wanted to find out where I really was so I vaped some white spice. I got a nice euphoric high which was a welcomed change to the intense brain throbbing of this pharma, but I couldn't launch anywhere. So I busted out the Sally D, and smoked her like there was no tomorrow. Her ego death powers where totally sedated by the pharma, but still something very unusual happened. I felt like I became three or four different people both male and female talking to each other inside my own head. That wore off after like 10 minutes, and then I was like well I might as well see what the ganja does. Mary J gave me a nice hi-five and treated me to her beautiful fractals. She probably added another hour and a half to the whole trip, and inspired me to write a lot of poetry which is no easy task when your body feels twice as heavy and your mind feels like its in a psychedelic blender.
All and all I got a lot out of the experience which lasted 7 hours awake, and also affected my dreams in a puzzling way, but I find THH to be superior in every way to Harmine and Harmaline. It was the first syrian rue extraction I've ever done and it will probably be my last.
Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
Reality is in the eye of the beholder.