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A friend of me became a neo-nazi. Options
#21 Posted : 9/1/2019 11:08:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I don't understand how people can become so filled with hatered. It is scary knowing that so many of these people are living among us.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 9/2/2019 1:43:39 PM

analytical chemist

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The fear comes from not only a lack of understanding, but also an unwillingness to understand. The only way to overcome the fear is to start to ask questions, curiosity.
From there, understanding is attained.

this can be applied to anything in life. many folks grow up being devoutly religious
and statist because of fear; indoctrination since childhood.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#23 Posted : 9/2/2019 3:18:23 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey man look that guilt might alwasys be there but you have the choice how much you focus on it so I do hope your getting past it. It seems you are...this made me think of something a little similar but without the Nazi hate aspect to it...

When I was 13 there was a group of older kids that lived near by that thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to shoot heroin...lets just say I was off and running for 10 years. for the 1st 5 years I did pritty good in the fact not even my best friends that lived outside my neighborhood knew even tho it was a multiple time a day thing...on of my best friends was the first to notice...

he did a lot of other things but didn't want anything to do with it. However once he knew I didn't try to hide it. I think eventually it wore him down and he got interested so I put him on to it and supplied it for him everyday. So after 10 years of use I decided to get away (actually got away from EVERYTHING for about 8.5 - 9 years only started smoking bud and psychedelics again a year ago its been 10 years away ffrom everything else) although I am on methadone and finally tapering off. My friend is still out there using.

So when I got away I realized I had done the same thing to him as the kids in my neighborhood did to me! for a while I felt real guilty about it and tried to reach out to help him get clean. I quickly realized 2 things first being around him using was BAD FOR ME second I had to comes to terms with not using on my own I couldnt be forced into it (trust me people tried) So I had to just accept he was going to go through what ever he was going to go through. I could be there if he ever decides to follow the path I did but I COULD NOT BE THERE UNTIL he starts to make that change for himself....

Now I also had to realise first the people that got me on to it they didn't do it to hurt me THEY were screwed up them selves and they didn't see it as hurting me. Wich was the same thing I did with him. I didn't put him on thinking it would destroy all the good things he had because I couldnt even see that for myself at the time!

I would think you giving your friend LSD was something similar I doubt you did it to hurt him or make him choose the path he did you probilly just thought you were sharing the love! The point of this is INTENTION is important for more than just tripping! Don't beat yourself up over it. But what you can do is IF he turns things around then be there to help him! that's really all you can do! One thing I am happy about is yeh this friend still uses everyday but well no where near as much as I did he hasn't had any overdoses YET (I did) so I kinda look at that as a good thing I didn't pass my "need for the extreme" to him
#24 Posted : 9/2/2019 9:02:10 PM

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benzyme wrote:

The fear comes from not only a lack of understanding, but also an unwillingness to understand. The only way to overcome the fear is to start to ask questions, curiosity.
From there, understanding is attained.

this can be applied to anything in life. many folks grow up being devoutly religious
and statist because of fear; indoctrination since childhood.

Very acurate Benzyme
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#25 Posted : 9/3/2019 2:00:49 PM

analytical chemist

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FranLover wrote:
benzyme wrote:

The fear comes from not only a lack of understanding, but also an unwillingness to understand. The only way to overcome the fear is to start to ask questions, curiosity.
From there, understanding is attained.

this can be applied to anything in life. many folks grow up being devoutly religious
and statist because of fear; indoctrination since childhood.

Very acurate Benzyme

Thank you.
This is something that has been stewing in my mind recently, given the social climate.

it's an aspect that the banking classes have played on since the earliest civilizations. They count on fear, to exploit masses of people. Technology may change, but human nature remains static, which is why history repeats itself.

on the most fundamental level, all humans have the same basic needs, same struggles; the way to defeat discrimination/racism is to address that individually, appeal to the individual. Food, music, art, etc.. these are universal, and a way to bring up the dialogue, to get people to become curious, and relate on some level. First, have to bypass that "toxic masculinity", machismo bs. It's just a symptom of an insecure ego.

Identity politics are the grand distraction from the former observation; the ever-increasing wage gap between the executive class and the working class. The corporate oligarchies would rather have the people fighting amongst themselves than seething at an unsustainable system of oppression that is becoming more apparent by the day, as are the environmental consequences of unregulated capitalism.

something to ponder: (IIRC) Rome fell under similar circumstances. They waged many proxy wars, which they were good at winning; they established tax farms as well. But the aristocracy got too greedy, and it caused economic instability. They blamed the economic instability on immigrants, and they incited a civil war, which bankrupted them.
I reiterate...history repeats itself because of human nature. It's as comical as it is tragic. The best one can hope for is awareness/self-awareness, and to make others aware.
I was always with Terrence McKenna, on his claim that the next wave of societal evolution would be metaphysical; I still observe that...but I think before we reach that point, we as a species, need to have a revival of self-awareness. Our survival depends on it.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#26 Posted : 9/3/2019 3:47:03 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yes! fear is a huge thing with hate! Also power is very corrupting. But they both work togather. If a group fears another group they will come togather and feel more powerfull but then most that get power not only want to hold onto it but want more...

And benzyme your right the way to beat back hate is though positive things like you stated making the individual feel welcome and equal because then we would be friends instead of enemy's. You cant get a + from 2 -'s And well I find at least for most people (again some people are so filled with hate they wont ever accept any love) but with most people it takes much less energy to get them to see my side of things than it would be to butt heads and fight on everything...even if they don't completely agree I think with most it will help them to understand the other side of things. and that way less people get hurt and die.

like I said man I feel for you and your situation....all you can do is be there IF and when he ever does come around because IF he does start to "see the light" he will need a friend at that point in his life more than ever.
#27 Posted : 9/5/2019 6:03:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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dragonrider there is still hope, becaouse from just one act of love and kindness is enough to change him forever and I say this from my personal point of view. ( Because I myself have changed from 1 act of love ) Finally, I'm sure things will be great on the end.

Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI
#28 Posted : 6/3/2020 6:13:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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breeze225 wrote:
Hey man look that guilt might alwasys be there but you have the choice how much you focus on it so I do hope your getting past it. It seems you are...this made me think of something a little similar but without the Nazi hate aspect to it...

When I was 13 there was a group of older kids that lived near by that thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to shoot heroin...lets just say I was off and running for 10 years. for the 1st 5 years I did pritty good in the fact not even my best friends that lived outside my neighborhood knew even tho it was a multiple time a day thing...on of my best friends was the first to notice...

he did a lot of other things but didn't want anything to do with it. However once he knew I didn't try to hide it. I think eventually it wore him down and he got interested so I put him on to it and supplied it for him everyday. So after 10 years of use I decided to get away (actually got away from EVERYTHING for about 8.5 - 9 years only started smoking bud and psychedelics again a year ago its been 10 years away ffrom everything else) although I am on methadone and finally tapering off. My friend is still out there using.

So when I got away I realized I had done the same thing to him as the kids in my neighborhood did to me! for a while I felt real guilty about it and tried to reach out to help him get clean. I quickly realized 2 things first being around him using was BAD FOR ME second I had to comes to terms with not using on my own I couldnt be forced into it (trust me people tried) So I had to just accept he was going to go through what ever he was going to go through. I could be there if he ever decides to follow the path I did but I COULD NOT BE THERE UNTIL he starts to make that change for himself....

Now I also had to realise first the people that got me on to it they didn't do it to hurt me THEY were screwed up them selves and they didn't see it as hurting me. Wich was the same thing I did with him. I didn't put him on thinking it would destroy all the good things he had because I couldnt even see that for myself at the time!

I would think you giving your friend LSD was something similar I doubt you did it to hurt him or make him choose the path he did you probilly just thought you were sharing the love! The point of this is INTENTION is important for more than just tripping! Don't beat yourself up over it. But what you can do is IF he turns things around then be there to help him! that's really all you can do! One thing I am happy about is yeh this friend still uses everyday but well no where near as much as I did he hasn't had any overdoses YET (I did) so I kinda look at that as a good thing I didn't pass my "need for the extreme" to him

Thank you so much for this post. I've felt guilty about giving DMT and mushrooms to certain people after seeing them have psychotic breaks and change overnight kind of like dragonrider's friend. This really helps. Because I remember giving DMT and mushrooms thinking I was giving them what I enjoyed, revered, respected and loved. My intention was to help not hurt. Thank you so much.
#29 Posted : 6/3/2020 6:22:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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benzyme wrote:

The fear comes from not only a lack of understanding, but also an unwillingness to understand. The only way to overcome the fear is to start to ask questions, curiosity.
From there, understanding is attained.

And that fear stands in between us, preventing us from learning each other's stories.

You can never hate someone once you understand their story.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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Cognitive Heart
#30 Posted : 6/3/2020 1:56:23 PM

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Truly a damn shame to see anyone go down the route of out-dated thinking, particularly if it involves violence, dominance and injustice. But people are conditioned. Even their conditioning has been conditioned. Deeply seated, often personal issues, can arise in physical form as a method to radically deal with lingering problems, for both good and evil. Unfortunately, it's too easy to point the finger, and the history of power confirms this.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

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