Small Details for context
Main ingredients for brew: Mimosa Powder + Caapi extract
Aya amount taken: 100 ml
Setting: my small beautiful room
I had finally ingested my first brew and and excitedly waited for my journey to begin. It hadn't tasted as bad as people said it would
, I partially enjoyed the taste. 1 hour goes by and I throw up, nothing happens. Was completely devastated. Decided that I'd brew it one more time and added extra boil to this one!
Second round
This tasted horrid! Could barely stomach a few big swigs of it. Insanely bitter and sour. (sour not in a good way) Didn't throw up, I even tried to because I assumed it wasn't working and didn't want to feel sick and immobile anymore. However I didn't, continued to toast myself a bagel and give back into simple pleasures of life and give up on healing. Started watching youtube videos and eating my bagel at this point. After eating that shit up I felt resistance in moving again. My vibration starts to rise and without realizing it I was started to feel the effects.
After feeling defeated and given up and NOW IT STARTS WORKING
. I feel so questioned when I asked myself "I am high?" Kept saying that for 5 minutes laughing to myself. I totally was! After realizing I got out of my computer chair and onto my bed. Soon enough my vibration takes off and beautiful energy surrounds my room. Almost like I'm creating this energy, I'm able to hold and form it. I could also do this with Mother Ayahausca and nurture it. Bouncing it off each other kinda. I believe that I saw her too but it was hard to tell her apart from my girlfriend at times. I felt connected to nature and plants. My body spreading out and stretching like tree branches taking in air and everything great about my environment.
I was so happy to be there and so grateful. I put a great deal of love and energy into this brew and kept apologizing to Mother Aya and myself. I shouldn't have doubted myself at all. My whole trip was a great experience except for one part. I was shown the beauty of this substance but also how ugly and depressing it can be. I talked to her through energy and not words. After her showing me forms of hers that was really sad and tragic, even terrifying. Essentially letting her know "it's okay to feel evil or sad low moods, the sad desperation. Things get better and not all moments are great. I'm here for you and things will get better just you see! They did too! I gave her a bright world of joy and appreciation. She heals me as I heal her.
This could've been my imagination as well however very real for me either way.
Thank you all for reading
Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming
Phangz wrote:
"this is your height on dmt.."