Hello fellow voyagers, captains, pirates, and stewards of hyperspace!
So I have a question about Changa...yes I've scoured all the form posts and haven't quite got the information I'm looking for.
My quest to make my own changa began after our plug disappeared. Changa was my first introduction to DMT, and this stuff we used to get was incredible. After our guy evaporated into the aether, I had to learn how to make DMT myself (after trial and error, got it down pat now), and now I'm trying to replicate the changa we used to get.
After much research I'm 99% sure what we were getting was DMT infused into only black caapi leaf and vine at a 60-70% DMT to herb ratio. (it was powerful stuff!)
SWIM has made a couple batches of changa using caapi vine and an herb mixture that's available down here (in south america) called 'Kumbayah'. It's been fine, but not that same 1-hit go-to-bizzaro-world experience that is sought.
The quest to procure black caapi vine and leaf continues (which is surprisingly much harder than it should be, as I'm in ground zero for where these plants are grown, but perhaps my inadequacy with the local language prevents me from finding it online)....but I had a question about the harmala content.
IF I were to infuse spice into strictly caapi vine and leaf as the base, that would be more than enough harmalas for the full MAOI-inhibited effect, no? No need to add any other freebase (and I know it depends on preference), yah?
Second, reading Julian Palmer's changa blog post, he talks about a 2x harmala enhancement, by adding say, 300mg of 'extracted' harmalas from vine into the normal 300mg vine/leaf portion of the 1:1 smoking mixture. He recommends soaking 300mg vine in ethanol/alcohol/ISO/whatever and then adding that to the mix....the problem is he doesn't specify quite HOW to add it. So my question is, how exactly does that work? Do I soak the vine in the alcohol, and then strain the vines and use the vine-soaked alcohol as my substance where I dissolve the DMT and then add the regular amount of vine, or do I soak the vines and then keep them in the mixture and dissolve the DMT and then add more vine?
I've seen the harmala extract teks, and tbh I'm not trying to do all that. I figure if my base is all cappi, it won't be neccessary. Of course will have to get and caapi and try to find out, but in the meantime while playing with vine and kumbayah, considering trying to soak some vine to 'pump up the jam' so to speak...and just curious how that works.
Cheers all! Hope everyone is lovely, hope everyone is safe!
Many blessings
Just be.