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First breakthrough Options
#1 Posted : 5/21/2020 3:16:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 19
Joined: 18-May-2018
Last visit: 26-May-2020
It happened somewhere last year. I never wrote it down.
The memory of the experience is still one I can't wrap my mind around. It's still crystal clear and i remember it like it was yesterday.

I had acquired a precise scale to weight the dose.
Prior to smoking i had 1g of crushed syrian rue, to potentialy prolong and potentiat the trip.

After around 30-40min i felt the rue relax me and ease my anxiety.
25mg of dmt was loaded in a glass pipe.

I took some deep brraths in and out and started lighting the pipe to slowly melt the spice.
After smoke started showing i took a deep breath and held it in for ca 20 sec.
(When you melt the dmt slowly it's bot harsh and can easily be held in)

I exhale and colors pop, i think to myself that is enough and get a little scared. I said to myself it's fine do the another hit.
And i did, it was alot more, and holding the pipe and lighter felt very unreal. It felt like i was watching myself out of a third perspective.

I held the smoke in, closed my eyes and leaned back.
As i exhaled it felt as though the whole air was just suck out of me and that i couldn't breath.
A voice, more like an eternal thought popped into my mind making clear to me that im going to be fine and keep breathing no matter what.
Nit long after i forgot about my body, my surroundings, nothing existed outside if me. I couldn't hear the slow downbeat tempo music i put on to relax.
There was a kalaidoscopic tunnel which proppelled me through it.
Evrything moved so fast i vould not make any sense of it.
I remember asking myself what is that, then there was some kind of pop and i was pushed through a small hole into a huge room.

The room was bluish in color, with pillars, on those pillars where incredible geometry, unfathomable shapes, constantly twisting, moving. Collapsing emerging.

There also was the buzzing sound mist had described the carrier wave. It was an intense buzz, which i did not really hear but more like felt. It went through my entire being penetetrating everything i was.
I looked around and there was some kind of machinery with loads of buttons and light i vould not understand. And a huge ass monitor, which to me looked more like a window into another world.

As i looked around i noticed there was no gravity, it felt like i was in a body of water, floating.
At that moment a so beautiful female looking being flew to me. I tried to talk and ask where i was what is going on. But i realized there was no sound.
I could not talk, but i could still feel what the being was telling me.
I call her a she, because it looked fiminine. She had big eyes which were all just black, pointy ears and bluesih grey skin.
I wondered about the sound and she started explaining to me, without words. Telepathic.
This sound is being send to you humans for thousands of years. In the hopes you will finally understand it. But all of you are deaf, you can't hear.
She the proceded to try and show me a device which would enable us to communicate.

The device looked like a black stonetablet that could fit in her hand. She said i just need to look at it to understand it but i could not make any sense of it.
She looked frustrated to me and eventually gave up.
Then she turned on the machine i descrubed earlier and the window started showing me very unreal and alien looking places. With plants i have never seen. They don't even looked like plants and the places were very bizarre but wonderfully beautiful.

Through all this time i did bot feel anything tha i would call body, all memories prior to smoking were nonexistend. I eas pure consciousness taking a glimose of another reality.
Still it felt like a deja vu. Like i definetly was there before at some point.

The places she showed me slowly faded, i began to hear the music input on. I noticed my breath and slowly started to feel my body finger after finger, limb after limb.

Slowly i opened my eyes and everything looked like it was made out of play-doh. Everything was glowing and moving.
My brother was with me he said i was out for a good 10min before i opened my eyes.
I was speechless. I couldn't talk for another 15.
10min? To me it felt like hours have gone by.

I tell him everything i witnessed, we talk a little more and it's his turn.
He can share his story on his own.

It was the most intens and profound experience of my life.
I could never recreate a breakthrough like this. So i gave up for a while and began to work on me and my relationships.

I haven't tripped in almost a year. A fee days ago i broke the fast and went on a 4 day ketamine binge followed by a 250mcg of good acid.

I feel like im getting ready again and am hearing the call to dive deep.

Love and light

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#2 Posted : 5/21/2020 5:11:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 28
Joined: 02-May-2020
Last visit: 07-Jul-2020
Location: Chile
Thank you. Experiences like this make me want to go further.
#3 Posted : 5/21/2020 5:13:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Welcome, nice trip report Smile
#4 Posted : 6/28/2020 9:02:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 218
Joined: 09-Jul-2016
Last visit: 26-Aug-2022
Thanks for sharing your experience. I enjoy imagining what you went through. Fascinating!
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