DMT-Nexus member
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Hi guys I'm back after several months in the Amazon Rainforest doing Ayahausca. I'm interested to know what the largest amount of DMT anyone has ever smoked in one inhalation was. How much, how was it, were there any significant after effects and would you do it again etc? This is in no way trying to encourage some kind of competition my friend and I were just discussing it. The most intense dose I ever took was probably about 100mg. I had just completed my first successfull extraction and was convinced that it wouldn't be very strong. I was wrong. I look forward to hearing from you Brainforest "Better safe than sectioned."
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
I think too many people have eyeballed DMT to be able to tell.
There have been some stories here of people with MASSIVE tolerance for DMT, but i don't think that's what you're interested in.
 DMT-Nexus member
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dragonrider wrote:I think too many people have eyeballed DMT to be able to tell.
There have been some stories here of people with MASSIVE tolerance for DMT, but i don't think that's what you're interested in. Yep, I'm one of those people. Also, I think the biggest hit i ever took wasn't what i loaded to intend to smoke, but included what was left from a few other hits, along with smoked rue, so i wouldn't have the slightest idea of it's weight, only that it kicked my head. It was likely less than 100mg vaped, but I'm not itching to do it again. Then again, i don't partake nearly as often or as intensely as many others here. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
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I dunno if I've ever actually hit more than 25-35 mg in one go. I measure out my doses, but it comes on so fast my heart starts pounding and my brain always goes "oh F********CK ABORT ABORT!" before I can take another hit. There have been nights where I've vaped probably 100mg cumulatively in a very short time (one hour or so and with harmalas). On these occasions I notice that I build up a temporary tolerance by the time I refill my pipe. You would need absolute balls of steel to be able to get such a massive dose down in any number of tokes, in quick succession. Or a really big pipe. I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
 DMT-Nexus member
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55 mg in a gvg in one inhalation is the biggest toke I've consumed. I am hesitant to smoke such a big dose again. Anymore I usually load 40 every time. It is the dose that works for me. Sometimes that 40 takes me deeper than I would like to go, sometimes not as deep as I want. Its an interesting substance. olympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
 I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..
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Before when I worked a lot with Changa The initial dosing was very responsible, weighing each dose on a scale with calmness.. 0.5-0.10 of a mix with 1g D and 500g Harmala in 1g of plant material.. But some irritation always started to build in me and eventually after some tokes I threw away the scale and just poured the Changa from the can onto the bong like a psychopath with two big crazy eyes.. inhaled full maybe over 15-20 seconds.. and held it for + 20sec.. And you know.. here is where you go to far and you meet beings that are like: what da fuck are you doin here.. you shall not be here yet.. how did you get here?? And then send you back from death and you run out to your garden with tears kissing the earth in euphoric- panic. Highly recommended! This routine went on for a while and by curiousity I one day weighed up a full bong cone and it was between 100-150mg DMT and half of that harmalas. But dosing is not everything.. it's the technique in the end.. if you can smoke all of it relaxed with peace.. and then hold it in a long time with a big smile on your face..  "Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 373 Joined: 17-Mar-2019 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
45mg on a gvg is my record. Perhaps I am more sensitive than others, because I black out and don't remember anything from the trip above 35mg, except the start and end. 25-30mg is my sweet spot, always breakthrough, 7-9min on 25mg.
 DMT-Nexus member
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Intended: around 45-50mg from the lower end, result - royal hyperspatial ass-kicking, still lasting appreciation of the gift of life. Unintended: 30mg + whatever was left in the pipe after previous smokers - my guess it would be around 60-80mg total, result - blackout. @Propello For me as well, doses above 35mg resulted in blackout typically, remembering only start and comedown. Same sweet spot, I started to like number 27 because of this 
 I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..
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In my experience the, what to call it: tolerance for black out level increases the more you work with it.. both long-term and short term. 3-4 hours a session.. a couple of time a week for sometime as an example.. The magic especially with Changa in my experience comes after a couple of hours when you really are comfortable with it... "Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
 I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..
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I also find these different levels of experience that correlates with amount smoked.. 20-30mg - strong body effect, mind starts to become clear focused. Closed eyes visuals with a Mandala coming towards.. 30-50mg- Going through the Mandala into highly alien territory  still sense of body.. not fully here.. not fully there.. breathing yes.. heartbeat yes.. 50-100mg - Fully body evaporization into molecules.. you become one with everything.. complete barrier collapse.. Similar to Bufo (5meo). You find yourself (whatever is left) in the most amazing place with the most amazing feeling ever experienced.. it's no Visions.. it's something else... Heartbeat no more.. breathing long gone... "Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
 Fly with the sea birds and sh!t
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In the beginning after I was wasting a lot with a crack pipe, I switched to a dab rig. Eyeballed based on the last hit, if it seemed I wanted a stronger trip, I eyeballed a little more than the previous time. Bad idea, asa dab rig is inconsistent from hit to hit. Sometimes it gets it all, sometimes it was to hot, so a bunch would get sucked down the stem. Well this one time it definitely got it all, and it was a BIG scoop. Holy blast off, like 6 jets engines were packed up my ass. Within seconds, I had to have my co-pilot hold a bucket up to my mouth so I could puke, as I was beyond even holding my own bucket. Few more seconds and I was in what can be biblically referenced to as heaven, though I don’t like to call it that. The afterglow lasted half way through the next day. Incredibly intense, beautiful, and I don’t regret it. I definitely needed to see that that place existed. But to do it again would take an immense amount of courage and mental preparation. “You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus “Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo
Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real. Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
 DMT-Nexus member

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Personally I don't think a person can vaporize 100mg of DMT properly in one go before blacking out completely, maybe at most something like 50mg. If they are using such big amounts I believe they are most likely using a wasteful method and burning DMT, having DMT melt through their pipe, breathing out too quickly before it's absorbed or something of the sort.
Also, you don't learn much from blacking out... Often, less is more.
Personally I rarely ever vaporize DMT anymore but for the last years, whenever I did, I'd just put 'some' in the GVG without measuring.. I rather gauge by density of smoke and size of my hits, to get where I want to.
 Fly with the sea birds and sh!t
Posts: 960 Joined: 18-May-2019 Last visit: 15-Jan-2024 Location: The cool side of the pillow
^^ This is also how I go about it now. I just super load my bong or gvg and rip till I’m where I wanna be. The famous line by olympusmon: you gotta hit it with intention to get where you wanna go! “You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus “Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo
Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real. Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
 I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..
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Quote:Personally I don't think a person can vaporize 100mg of DMT properly in one go before blacking out completely Correct.. only a God can do it  .. And Vikings "Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 176 Joined: 08-Mar-2014 Last visit: 13-May-2022 Location: Walking
I once smoked 200mg of 50:50 changa, 100mg back to back and it just lead to everything turning black the second I lay back and experiencing a concious unconciousness I guess, a part of me met a strange person there. It's funny because I'd had many breakthrough doses on half of that but this hit in a completely (and not pleasant whatsoever) different way. I wrote a report on this one recently in the dmt experiences section if anyone wants to check it out.
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Highest dose was about 50-60 mg smoked / vaporized in about 3 tokes with very little to no tolerance. I was in a sitting position with a blanket. I barely put the pipe down and then went face first into the blanket from sitting position. I don't remember much of the next 5 or so minutes except that it was horrifying. "I" disappeared down into the blanket and things went black mostly. There were distinct presences and they were hostile. I felt like I was being scanned / probed by some super fascist aggressive entities. Eventually I sat back up out of the blanket and opened my eyes. Visuals were intense and colorful flowing and throbbing at this point. I was very shaken up.
There were no long term issues except it took a while to get over the fear when I'd do dmt again. There is still always some fear but that might have been there before this experience as well. I prefer around 40 mg if I want to go deep because it takes me far enough and I can remember. Beyond 50mg seemed to result in more of a blackout for me at least.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 503 Joined: 11-May-2013 Last visit: 29-Nov-2020
The largest amount I've ever smoked at once was between 120-150mg, and I've done it probably 20 times in the early days. This was freebase DMT placed on top of weed in a homemade gravity bong. I used a regular lighter to melt the DMT into the weed, then applied steady heat while slowly lifting the chamber to fill it. I then inhaled all of it in about 10 seconds or so (pretty harsh). These were by far the strongest and most profound DMT trips I've ever experienced to date. I was in full breakthrough hyperspace for more than 15 minutes, and was not sober until 45 minutes later.
Note that I probably wasn't getting the full 120-150mg, probably closer to 100mg because some of the DMT dripped down the stem of the bowl or soaked into the weed or wasn't totally vaporized. I also have a significantly higher tolerance to psychedelics than most people, breakthrough threshold for me is >60mg (accurately measured using electronic vape), and I can easily handle 10+g of mushrooms. As I was just starting out at the time, this was what I needed to "get there", I started at a much lower dose with minimal effects. I wouldn't recommend anyone inexperienced attempting such a thing.
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To put it succinctly, too much. "It was altruism, not violence or force, which associated our higher cortex. Our intent is to awaken that memory." - Indigo
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My experience is the same as most here, I eyeballed a carpet of yellow spice sandwiched in a bowl so that when laying it down no more green from the cannabis could be seen. I would have to estimate at least 100mg. I smoked it faster than any bowl in my life and it came on immediately after setting down the bowl. It was by far the most unbelievably consciousness-shattering and profound experience I have ever had. "In this secret room, from the past, I seek the future..."
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70mg, maybe twice. It was too much; both times I think a lot got burned up and I still broke through.
I wouldn't go over 50mg in the future, and maybe less if I were to use a certifiable vaporization method--hopefully soon!
In the past, it seems that 50mg was oft quoted as the break-through dose. I think that's more than enough if none gets wasted. 40mg is probably more than enough, honestly.