You can easily test
possible presence of an alkaloid with color reagent.
First prepare a sample by e.g. soaking dried powdered plant material in a small amount alcohol with a drop of ammonia added in (this is to ensure alkaloids are in freebase form as they are naturaly salts and different salts may give different color results.
Drop your alcoholic extract sample on a white porcelain dish or soak it in an acid-free paper, then let the alcohol evaporate and drop your reagent on it.
EHRLICH reagent (also used for LSD) dyes purple in presence of indoles. Then you know there are indole alkaloids (DMT is one of them).
HOFMANN reagent will dyes yellow in presence of DMT, green in presence of 5-MeO-DMT, orange in presence of gramine.
Reagent test is not confirmative. A better way is to run TLC on your sample, then spray the plates with above reagents (or more to see presence of other suspicious compounds).
Finally, if there is strong suspicion on the presence of DMT, you may try extraction.
There are many alkaloids similar to DMT (e.g. tryptamines, beta-carbolines...) and some are toxic (e.g. gramine) or may make you feel sick (e.g. bufotenine). It is important to identify the compound/extract first.
blue.magic attached the following image(s):
(280kb) downloaded 36 time(s). dmt-dual-sin-test-kit.png
(331kb) downloaded 36 time(s).