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Another drug "kingpin" fail Options
#1 Posted : 4/27/2020 8:56:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Do you think they laugh to themselves as they weigh a bunch of water and call it drugs?

"88 pounds" of psychedelics, wtf???
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 4/27/2020 9:22:11 PM

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null24 wrote:
Do you think they laugh to themselves as they weigh a bunch of water and call it drugs?

"88 pounds" of psychedelics, wtf???

Parallel dimensions.

In their world, they are the heroes of this story, protecting innocent childeren against evil dopedealers.
#3 Posted : 4/27/2020 9:51:24 PM

analytical chemist

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I have mixed feelings about this. I've always advised against bulk endeavors, it is bound to attract the wrong attention. That being said, I'm also staunchly opposed to a failed campaign against a practice humans have sought since time immemorial. The public opinion is noticeably accepting these days, regarding psychedelic use. I feel as LE is grasping to a cash cow that is bound to disappear in a few years; the "morality highground" card is dubious, given the corrupt history of LE agencies, from federal to local levels. It's purely business, they know they can make a lot more money on black market busts; once everything is legalized, the prohibition profits disappear.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#4 Posted : 4/27/2020 11:18:07 PM

Fly with the sea birds and sh!t

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Now I’m gonna go dump those 2 basic soup jars sitting in my cupboard when I get home. I know there’s really only maybe 100 mg of goods left between both jars, but apparently I’m holding about 5 pounds of narcotics. Liquid DMT... WTF...
“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus
“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
#5 Posted : 4/27/2020 11:25:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Man, and Jesus only turned water into wine, he's got nothing on these cops.

I feel as LE is grasping to a cash cow that is bound to disappear in a few years; the "morality highground" card is dubious, given the corrupt history of LE agencies, from federal to local levels. It's purely business, they know they can make a lot more money on black market busts

Bingo! Damn, are they that transparent?Razz

I grew up in Atlanta, Cobb county is just north and I always knew it to be a hellhole of frustratingly confounding corrupt yet moralizing police. Atlanta cops are pretty cool, you really have to be f###ing up for them to mess with you and they might just let you off with a joke or a payoff- corrupt in the good way. I used to see Cobb Co pigs driving in uniform in souped up escalades emblazoned with decals declaring "this used to belong to a drug dealer".Confused

apparently I’m holding about 5 pounds of narcotics. WTF...

WTF is right. Not only narcotics but narcotics you manufactured.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#6 Posted : 5/14/2020 2:46:29 PM

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benzyme wrote:
I've always advised against bulk endeavors, it is bound to attract the wrong attention.

I normally would agree with you benzyme. But, something about the look in this mans eyes as well how how he looks on a whole paints a story of a man that probably thinks he is doing the world a favor by producing opportunities for people to try DMT and explore mental realms and potentially change human life for the better. If that is his aim then such a motive is justified, just not in the eyes of the law. A counter-argument may be one of any harms that befall its users, while few and far between I wouldn't say that responsibility falls on the manufacturer, rather the user who knowingly signed up for a drug that has the capacity to do such a thing, albeit very infrequently and a lot of the time to only certain predisposed people.

Tell me you look at that man and see something similar. He probably sits in a jail cell right this second as you are reading this. That concept confuses me and makes me not want to be part of this world anymore.

benzyme wrote:
The public opinion is noticeably accepting these days, regarding psychedelic use.

This simply is not true. You forget that most of our population are out of touch baby boomers and old people who are still convinced ALL drugs are bad no matter what they are. The amount of people that unerringly trust the law without question in western society is despicable to say the least. We need citizens who see morality above law, not the other way around.
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