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Best Psychedelics For People With Autism? Options
#1 Posted : 1/10/2020 2:18:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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So I'm on the Autism Spectrum (Aspergers) and I'm curious to know what the best psychedelics are for people on the spectrum. So far I've only dipped my toes into the water with LSD and cannabis. LSD was heavenly but strong cannabis tend to choke tf out of my "Sense of Impending Doom" and it's always a terrifying experience.

I'm wondering if any people on the spectrum have more psychedelic experience, including with research chemicals, and can tell me what the best ones would be for someone else with the disorder. I also have a bit of a problem with suggestibility on substances and I have no idea if it's an Autism thing or something else entirely. Either way LSD straight up felt like every moment was pure mind control. I'm not opposed to the feeling, but it's rather interesting and atypical for psychedelics. I want to be able to explore them further but need to gather as much research as possible before I do.

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#2 Posted : 1/10/2020 2:35:19 AM
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Me personally, i have Aspergers too, and Ayahuasca (Rue/Harmalas and Mimosa/Acacia) was/is my favorite, Psilohuasca is a close second favorite but i prefer Aya/oral DMT due to the lack of tolerance to oral DMT and reverse tolerance with the Harmalas, whereas Psilocin builds up tolerance, but both Aya and Psilo-huasca take me to pretty similar states and gives me similar experiences. Mushrooms or 4-ACO-DMT on their own, they're good too, but i much prefer the Huasca. LSD has had it's interesting moments but i wouldn't consider it to be what i needed. Tried MDMA once at 100mgs, didn't like it, but i also smoked Cannabis on top of it and generally wasn't in the right mindset/setting for the MDMA so i didn't have a good time, i wouldn't be averse to trying MDMA again but it's not something i'd actively seek out. Haven't tried Mescaline, and haven't tried any other RC's aside from 25-D Nbome which was strong in terms of visuals but other than that didn't care for it, my brother however liked it. So for me personally, the Huasca is my go to, but if you're not sure about the Huasca, i'd say mushrooms or 4-ACO-DMT, the Tryptamines are more disciplining and teaching than LSD. I also used to like Cannabis and smoked it daily for 10 years, it was good medicine in the beginning, but after all my Aya experimentation the Cannabis changed and i no longer like it, and just within the last few days decided i'm going to quit smoking it, doesn't mean i'll never smoke it again, but my time with it is over imo.

If you go the Huasca route though, i'd recommend 3 to 4.5 grams of dried Lemon Balm leaf tea to smooth out the come up and add some relaxative properties to things, some Tobacco (if you're not averse to smoking it ceremonially) to bring out some of the Huasca effects, and Cannabis can be good at potentiating things but i've gotten to the point where if i smoke it on the Huasca or any other Psychedelic i now tend to wait till after the come up to smoke, as during the come up it can potentiate and amplify the intensity and body sensations and make for a weird/freaky/powerful headspace. It's worth it imo to find worthy admixture plants to add to Psychedelics like the Huasca or even mushrooms or 4-ACO, as admixture plants, supplements, oils, and such can add some interesting aspects to the experience/overall medicine, so that it doesn't have to be like consuming the raw Psychedelic, you can instead make the Psychedelic any way you want it to be so instead of the raw experience you can flavor it to your liking.
#3 Posted : 1/10/2020 3:56:36 AM

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This is an interesting subject.

We have 4 known psychedelics which occur naturally in the human body (probably more but we haven’t discovered more yet).


People with autism have higher concentrations of 5-HO-DMT in their body than the rest of the population.

I have heard stories of dramatic life improvements in people with autism who have taken psychedelics, often in large doses. I am speaking in terms of social function and general comfort and happiness. It is usually described in terms of a deep mental metaprogramming experience, where the general function or energy of the mental system comes alive and organizes the disparate mental components into the holistic system lying prior in substance to the parts.

I had a room mate studying neuroscience who has worked with autistic children who said he thought there was a slight chance I may have aspergers, and I later had yet another room mate who has autism in his family who shows some signs of being on the spectrum - we worked together and everyone at work noted we were oddly similar in some of our mannerisms. So, there’s a chance I may be slightly (very slightly) on the spectrum.

Psychedelics have “ordered” my mind before. My preference for a long time was LSD because it allowed for analytic thinking more than other psychedelics.

Nowadays I don’t use psychedelics for analytic thought, I use them as an adjunct to meditation or yoga. LSD is great for yoga but not so great for meditation. Mushrooms are good for meditation and yoga. Ayahuasca is also good for meditation and yoga, though not in public because you may vomit in the yoga studio.

In my opinion ayahuasca is the most naturally healing and has the clearest and most mindful headspace.

I recommend learning to meditate and/or how to do yoga if you want to go really deep.

A 2-3 hour meditation session on ayahuasca is one of the most healing experiences imaginable. It can be hard to do though. Yoga is more accessible than meditation, because meditating on psychedelics successfully requires many hours of daily sober practice before it can be done successfully on psychedelics. But on yoga, you can more or less just jump into doing it on psychedelics after a few sober classes.

If you are prone to confusion/delusion/ or suggestibility, I recommend ayahuasca. It is the closest thing to your sober mind - it has all the cognitive amplification without the distorted thinking other psychedelics cause - probably because DMT occurs naturally in the body and the brain is not confused by it Smile

Of the 4 classical psychedelics: DMT, psilocybin, mescaline, and LSD, you may think of them this way:

Ayahuasca is like an upgraded version of mushrooms, except ayahuasca will make you puke.
Mescaline is like an upgraded version of LSD, except mescaline will make you puke.

In order of mental clarity, it goes: Ayahuasca, mescaline, LSD, psilocybin.

Mescaline is the most heart-opening of the classical psychedelics. Ayahuasca is the most visionary and clear minded.

Ayahuasca is easy to prepare if you are using syrian rue for the MAOI and acacia or mimosa for the DMT.

Here is a recipe.
#4 Posted : 1/10/2020 7:05:12 AM

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Good question.

A quick and easy google search containing "erowid" and "aspergers" reveals some interesting firsthand accounts of people overcoming or transcending aspergers or autism with psychedelics:






I also seem to recall some erowid experience reports with mescaline-containing cacti that featured a user with asperger's experiencing relief.

And, of course, the AMAZING Mr Peabody on Bluelight has compiled an extensive thread of studies, articles, and perspectives on the interface between psychedelics and autism. Dig in!

PS- My own two cents is that phenethylamines (namely mescaline and MDMA) are the most reliable substances for safely bringing about emotions in an otherwise emotionless asperger's patient.
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#5 Posted : 1/10/2020 1:40:12 PM

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Don't pay too much attention to the Asperger's diagnosis. It doesn't define you. Everybody's unique and at the same time we're all more alike than we like to think.

I've also have been diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 16, although I think today I would no longer qualify.

Now, on topic:

First of all, I strongly recommend to stay away from cannabis. It is the only drug that I personally regret using regularly during a certain period in my life (early 20s). It brought me mild relaxation but it also disconnected me from what's important. The perceived harshness of life is often where real growth is possible. I almost always observe frequent use of cannabis as part a pattern of being afraid and not wanting to truly live life, and it's very often seen in young autistic males.

Other than that, you probably have to find out for yourself what "helps" you Smile

Drugs that have been without doubt "good" to me are mushrooms, MDMA and 2C-B. BUT the most beneficial "trips" were always in the company of close friends, and their presence was just as essential as the drug taken.

I never take MDMA or 2C-B by themselves. Always as a combo. MDMA alone is too "amphetamine" like, 2C-B by itself is too neutral and on/off. As a combo, they're amazing and very well suited for otherwise non-ideal tripping environments. And it seems that all the people who have tried this combo agree.

I've had quite a bit of fun with LSD, it's more philosophical than mushrooms, which can also be a trap because for most people it's easier to get lost in their thoughts, especially when they take it alone.

Of all these drugs, mushrooms are probably the most well suited for tripping solo. But even then I recommend tripping with another person. And it doesn't have to be a person you are 100% comfortable with either. 75% is probably enough. Makes it more interesting Smile

The first time I REALLY tripped was on mushrooms, with a buddy. It was quite overwhelming but in the end very much worth it.

Remember that drugs alone will never get you enlightened. While tripping or sober, ponder the quality of your closest relationships and investigate what they bring out in you. That's often a great place to start.
#6 Posted : 1/10/2020 2:41:16 PM

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I think setting is probably more crucial to someone who is on the spectrum or very head strong. Even the more favourable substances can spin someone out if there's too many external stresses.

Your description of LSD is sort of how I would describe my experiences with it - it grabs you and is more cerebral. Not altogether bad but I much, much prefer mushrooms over LSD (aside from the slight nausea/digestion). Mushrooms seemed to pull me in the other direction, towards the body and world.

A mushroom trip outdoors in a safe place where you won't be disturbed, on a nice summers day. I think that would probably do nicely! Big grin
#7 Posted : 1/26/2020 7:35:43 AM
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As someone who is also diagnosed with ASD. I have noticed that I seem to have a more clear headspace than other people when I have tripped, although so far I only have experience doing doses of LSD less than 15ug.
#8 Posted : 4/13/2020 1:22:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sensitivity to dosage is something I figure is something to keep in mind.
For many of us, we can be overly sensitive to particular medications compared to allistics, I figure it would be safe to assume this trait (if present) would carry over to experiences with various psychedelics.
Personally, I haven't got many experiences to draw from, however I do seem to be -very- sensitive to the effects of alcohol and weed compared to others.

I agree with xss27 that setting would likely be more crucial for an autistic person.
I would also highly recommend a *safe* trip sitter, who could be available to help talk about your experiences with for the next few days/weeks after the experience (as well as on the day of/during/immediately after the trip) - given that we autistics can get quite hung up on trying to process ALL the details thoroughly and sometimes this processing can stay active for quite some time.

Edited to add:
If SPD is a thing, it may be helpful to plan ahead and have pleasant sensory things nearby, and be mindful that tripping *might* bring up some uncomfortable sensory experiences.
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Duncan Disorderly
#9 Posted : 4/13/2020 7:23:24 PM


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As I have a propensity to avoid labeling a person, I also believe it's good to know who you are. Understanding yourself is the key to confidence, I believe. A couple of years ago, I watched a clip about INFJ personality types. Apparently, they are the rarest of personality types, accounting for about 1% of all humans. It was hard to ignore what the clip had to say, more so because 95% of the clip described me so accurately.

Ultimately, I sent the link to my partner and best friend and simply asked them to watch the clip. Both said the same thing, even noting 95% accuracy. No doubt, it counts as one of the most profound things I've ever discovered about myself. However, it didn't tell me anything I already knew about myself. So, while it was a deeply profound discovery, it didn't change how I saw myself. Instead, it was a confirmation, as it attested my self-awareness.

Personally speaking, I believe people with Autism are gifted and it's not a disability. Far from it. They see the world in detail only few can imagine. Their insight is unique and appears well thought. In fact, the comments in this thread composed by the people on the "spectrum" clearly show high intelligence and deep thought. That said, they don't need to think too much in order to understand something. It's a gift INFJ's also share since we merely need to be aware of something in order to have a basic comprehension of what it's about. Being highly instinctual has its advantages, I must admit.

While I can't offer any insight regarding the OP's query, I do have confidence in their ability to make the correct choice. The very fact that the OP is asking the right questions indicates they'll find the right answers. The OP knows exactly who they (unsure if it's he/she) are and this is a distinct advantage. As long as they don't see it as a disability, or anything negative, I don't see anything wrong in self-awareness.


“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” -R.I.P. Terry Pratchett


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#10 Posted : 4/13/2020 7:59:29 PM

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All of the natural psyhedelics can do wonders for autism, but for developing and empowering social intelligence, empathy and heart opening, the Peyote and San Pedro are best.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#11 Posted : 4/15/2020 7:34:19 PM

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hey man, if you are not carful you can cure your autism temporary with a phychedlic.. please BE FUCKING CARFUL KNOW 2 OTHER AUTISTICS WHO HAVE DONE IT. makes you instantly want to kill your self when you realize what you really are.

i promise you i know.

#12 Posted : 4/15/2020 7:37:31 PM

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Duncan Disorderly wrote:
As I have a propensity to avoid labeling a person, I also believe it's good to know who you are. Understanding yourself is the key to confidence, I believe. A couple of years ago, I watched a clip about INFJ personality types. Apparently, they are the rarest of personality types, accounting for about 1% of all humans. It was hard to ignore what the clip had to say, more so because 95% of the clip described me so accurately.

1 really funny Secret most master-level authors Are People Like Us. They talked with certain patterns and hide messages in books. It's really funny when you think about it.
Duncan Disorderly
#13 Posted : 4/15/2020 9:39:37 PM


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BenW91NE wrote:

1 really funny Secret most master-level authors Are People Like Us. They talked with certain patterns and hide messages in books. It's really funny when you think about it.

Absolutely. INFJ's and people from the "spectrum" are known to have "a way with words". It's something people often tell me, I'm happy to say.

Thomas Jefferson was most likely INFJ and he was an eloquent writer. It's funny because I've always felt a link to his words and understand his mindset. His thought process echoes mine.

Anyway, hope my words were empowering. If they were, they achieved their goal.


“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” -R.I.P. Terry Pratchett


Dharma Mantra Tantra
#14 Posted : 4/19/2020 12:03:33 AM

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"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#15 Posted : 4/19/2020 7:27:51 AM

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I do not know, and I have included that information in my previous post, I have also chosen specific wording to reflect that unknown aspect. People are free to take my thoughts with a grain of salt if they so wish.
However, I would also like to point out that I have not given any unsafe advice. Set and setting is known to be important in general for almost everybody. Tripsitters are often a recommended support for those who are starting out. I also speak as someone who is autistic themselves. I have not said anything that is new or unknown.
If there is no learning, there is no change.
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#16 Posted : 4/20/2020 3:47:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#17 Posted : 4/22/2020 6:13:18 PM

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A more direct answer would be...

In order of likelihood of positive experience in my limited personal opinion:

1) Very high quality (tested) MDMA
Used once every three months, at a maximum of 120 mg, this is the most consistently positive serotonergic drug. It is not quite psychedelic - it is an entactogen, a sort of amphetamine for your serotonergic (psychedelic) brain system. The funny thing that MDMA reveals in my view? It turns out all that psychedelic endogenous DMT stuff is basically the mechanics of your love and social brain performed in day to day life. It’s all love.

2) Mescaline
If you brew a cactus (a very easy though long procedure) this is the only “phenethylamine” psychedelic in nature. That is to say, it is the only psychedelic in nature that is structurally related to MDMA. Unlike MDMA, the cactus is not toxic to your brain, it is a physically safe classical psychedelic - but it is the most “heart-opening” classical psychedelic.

3) Ayahuasca
Super easy to prepare with a variety of legal plants, and the most perfectly clear minded and visionary psychedelic (if you can handle the nausea). This is the one that is most likely to involve a sort of deep cognitive reprogramming experience, which can be and often is extremely heart opening - but not by turbo-charging your social centers, like MDMA, or by playing upon them like mescaline. Ayahuasca is rather a deep visionary journey which can heal the most intractable of wounds through its sheer perfection of visionary energy endogenous and natural to our human brain system.

I put ayahuasca at number three, because the direct nature of its visionary activity is so direct, that its action almost seems indirect. Rather than being a socially energized experience, it is introspective. I would say there is more potential with ayahuasca, especially if you cultivated a 2 hour a day meditation practice in conjunction with it...

But if you’re just trying to jump into it without going that far in...

MDMA followed by mescaline-cactus would be your best shot for radiant heart opening.

Mescaline-cactus is far more physically healthy and safe and legal than MDMA.
Mescaline-cactus is simply the most heart-opening of the classical psychedelics.

MDMA is not a classic psychedelic, it is a purely pro-social amphetamine —— vs. a pro-industry/focus amphetamine, like Adderall or methamphetamine. Incidentally, MDMA is methylene-dioxy-METHAMPHETAMINE. See how far that MD goes? Smile

MDMA is just the most direct pro-social thing, so if you’re just looking for that, try it out, but be really careful, test your stuff with more than one type of testing kit, it is a notoriously impure substance, and I promise you as someone who has had the real deal many a time - you do not want to waste your precious brain on shitty chemicals. Let your experiences be with the real thing - because unlike classic psychedelics, you only have limited neurological resources for experiences with MDMA and MDMA-like substances. Use your brain’s chemical resources wisely with MDMA and other related synthetic entactogens.

And yes! If the notion of parceling out your brain’s chemical resources “wisely” creeps you out, I do whole-heartedly encourage investigating either mescaline-cactus or ayahuasca instead Smile If you can commit to 2 hours a day while sober of closed-eyes Buddhist breath meditatation (anapanasati), you will go to places more healing than you could possibly imagine with the assistance of these plant helpers.

If you can’t handle the nausea, mushrooms are like a non-nauseous but lower grade version of ayahuasca. The same goes for LSD with mescaline-cactus. However, if you go for LSD, you’ll want to test it in a kit. In my experience with acid, even if it is really LSD, the quality can still vary... plants are much more reliable experts in chemistry than humans.

I guess on reflection the recommended list would be:

A 2-hour daily meditation session (for at least one month),
And then meditate while using:



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