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#1 Posted : 4/7/2020 2:03:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 27-Mar-2020
Last visit: 15-Jul-2020
Hi all, looking forward to learning from and contributing to this community.

My psychedelic history starts 10 years ago on a Bali holiday with one of their infamous magic mushroom shakes. My only drug experience prior to this were a couple of small weed experiences and I took what I now know to be a large dose (roughly 60g - eye ball based on what I know now) of fresh Panaeolus Cyanescens. This was blended together with red bull Sick. I had no idea what was coming and needless to say it was a life changing experience. This first trip left me amazed and confused but knowing there was something important to this stuff and that I wanted to try it again. So that's just what I did the next day. This time, I was able to pull more out and make more sense of it all and was gifted a visionary teaching that continues to help me be a better person to this day. After that the importance of this stuff to me was confirmed and I knew it would be part of my life for ever. I took mushrooms each day for the 20+ days remaining of my holiday.

Upon returning home I began researching and idealistically sharing my findings as if I was the first to ever discover this stuff. I soon realized it was possible to pick the mushrooms in my area of Southeast Queensland (Australia). Once my friends and I had learned a bit about identification, where they grow and the weather was right we made our first big haul.

I have continued picking mushrooms ever since. Each mushroom season I will try to find enough to last until the following season. My preferred method to preserve the mushrooms is to brew tea straight after I go picking and freeze what ever I am not planning to consume in the following days. Besides the personal experiences themselves I love sharing the tea with and giving it to others.

Through my fascination with mushrooms and other psychedelics I became aware of DMT years ago. I was always interested to try it but it never presented itself until fairly recently (roughly 9 months ago). It was during a visit to my friends place on a beautiful property, while on LSD, that I was first given the opportunity to properly experience DMT. I was handed a joint which contained dried ayahuasca leaves, plain leaf salvia and powder DMT. After my first smallish inhale I immediately began, very clearly, hearing music and felt the DMT as a presence trying to show me things. After a second much larger inhale this presence unfolded reality in front of me and somehow gave me a cross sectional view of the different dimensions. Time was one of them and became the focus. Just as I was being drawn towards the time dimension it collapsed. I realized I was being shown something about the true nature of time. This was done through the animation of the time dimension collapsing and being given the ability to experience two times at the same time. During each subsequent dose the concepts would start from where the previous dose ended and evolve and complexify. They were important revelations but each time, as the DMT wore off, my capacity to understand to concepts would erode and I would eventually forget them. I was amazed, this was direct access to the datasphere.

Upon returning home from my friends place I felt the same way I had felt upon returning home from my Bali holiday 10 years ago. I knew DMT could be extracted from some of the local Acacia trees and I wanted to learn how to do it. Through my research the tree I have been most drawn to is the Acacia Maidenii and my research tells me it has one of the highest alkaloid contents in my area. Since my first experience I have bought a few batches of DMT but have become worried about hurting the source tree populations. To help out with this I plan to plant a DMT source tree for every batch I buy. So far I have planted 6 Acacia Maidenii trees. In line with this source tree conservation I plan to do my future extractions mostly with leaves where possible.

Thanks for reading the short version of my psychedelic story to date. In my quest to learn to do my own DMT extractions my first posts on here will be about source tree identification then about specific teks. I also intend to contribute to the community in anyway I can!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
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