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DMT and Health Options
#21 Posted : 1/10/2007 10:43:57 PM
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Very interesting, Blackclo and Traveler. I know someone who has
suffered from migraine for a long time, I cross-posted your posts (didn't think you'd mind) at the forum where he is moderator (and DMT is an accepted topic).

"To dance is to live----to live is to dance!" --Snoopy, Peanuts comic strip

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 1/11/2007 12:06:06 AM
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Not at all, however just mention that the side effect of this little anti migrane med is ahhh..breaking into other dimensions.. Laughing Razz
#23 Posted : 1/11/2007 1:38:52 AM
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"blackclo" wrote:
Not at all, however just mention that the side effect of this little anti migrane med is ahhh..breaking into other dimensions.. Laughing Razz

They already know...but they haven't tried it, yet. Maybe this new information will provide the impetus fo do so! Very happy
"To dance is to live----to live is to dance!" --Snoopy, Peanuts comic strip
#24 Posted : 2/5/2007 10:32:57 AM
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My mom often says "It works if you believe it works" when i ask why she uses all those herbal medicines.

So i too would say it's some kind of placebo effect .... or "Mindhealing" one could say...

It's amazing what you're mind can do... And it's even more powerful when it's DMT powered Smile
#25 Posted : 4/8/2007 6:16:31 AM
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Found this write up about a lady who uses DMT (ayahuasca) at low doses and has positive and healing experiances with it:

I have taken large doses of ayahuasca a few times. The best way I can describe the experience for me is that it feels like ‘the real thing’- like waking up, like experiencing a sense of self that is more real. Since the beginning of 2006 have been taking a small spoonful every morning. The effect I notice is that I feel more awake, more content, more creative, more inspired, more aware of my surroundings, especially nature, more enjoyment and deal with everyday matters more effectively. My body and strength have improved, I think I look better and my mind is becoming freer. My sense is that it is in some respects anti-aging. I prepare a brew every few weeks and keep it in the fridge. I feel that it, like many of these botanicals, takes us further in the same direction of raw food - to a greater sense of connection, contentment, creativity etc. I have noticed in the people who take it regularly - whether occasional large doses or frequent small supplemental doses - a tendency to move more into their feelings and a sense of immediate reality and less imprisoned by concepts and conditioning.

In the UK it is perfectly legal to use it, buy it and sell it even though this may not be the case with refined DMT, the active constituent.

DMT exists in almost all living things, but is particularly concentrated in certain South American plants. To reach the brain when taken orally these plants need to be combined with other plants which contain enzyme inhibitors called MAO inhibitors which stop the digestive enzymes breaking down the DMT. DMT acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is believed by some to be crucial for ‘proper’ brain function. It is as if we are DMT deficient due to the shrinkage and hardening of the modern adult pineal gland which , is is thought, used to pump DMT out routinely. The pineal gland, deep within the brain, is the only unpaired organ in the body. Significant amounts of DMT are released in the brain at the time of birth, death, near-death experiences and other peak experiences, very likely this can happen during childbirth too and also, possibly, in an unborn baby 49 days after conception. In large doses DMT produces visions and revelations. A different sense of self may be experienced which can feel overpowering, even frightening or alien because the impressions are overwhelming to the rational mind. Ayahuasca shifts us to a totally different way of perceiving, beyond description in words. It activates receptors in the brain that have lain dormant for decades - parts of the brain that are usually unconscious - parts that can process at a level way beyond the limits of so-called normal consciousness. If we are all really part of an infinite oneness then accessing our unconscious mind gives a lot of scope for experience… It changes people’s lives. And, as more people take it, it will help change the world. When lots of people see things from the perspective that ayahuasca takes us to the ‘game’ will be up.

Large doses produce momentous experiences. Regular small doses seem to improve the connections in the brain for a happier more functional life. As we are DMT deficient ayahuasca can be viewed as a supplement. When it is available, DMT is lapped up by the brain.

The role of DMT may be its ability to adjust the spacing of the atoms of monatomic elements such as rhodium and iridium in the right hemisphere of the brain.


#26 Posted : 8/8/2007 5:25:57 AM
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Good topic... After smoking DMT, taking in a few good hits, I notice this mucus build up in the back of my throat and if I smoked heavily, in my lungs.

About 15-30 mins after I smoke, I constantly have to clear my throat cuz of the slight mucus build up and about an hour after, when I take a deep breath, I can feel and hear my lungs whistling, a direct indication of mucus build up. This all clears up in about 8-12 hours.

Anyone else notice this?
#27 Posted : 8/8/2007 4:14:51 PM

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Anyone else notice this?

Hopefully not Confused Seems that your body devellop a protection to the harshness of the smoke. Maybe the smoke is too dense ? What happend if you smoke something else ?
#28 Posted : 8/8/2007 8:35:12 PM
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"Garulfo" wrote:
What happend if you smoke something else ?

Not much really. I only got this with DMT. Actually, to be fair, this didn't happen the 1st few times I smoked DMT, but then again, I hadn't smoked enough to see patterns then either. After my 1st "real" session with a sitter and more DMT, and also a bigger bulb that holds in more vapor, I still didn't smoke enough to break thru but this time I totally saw alot of psychedelic shit for about 2-3 minutes and if I had smoked just a little more, I think I would have broken thru.. Anyway, this was so awesome that couple hours later, I smoked again but it wasn't enough and I could only see patterns again, not as intense as 1st time, so then I kept on taking a hit and laying down, a minute later another hit and lay down again, simply to prolong the patterns.

I think this might have been an isolated incident as I smoked way too much and obviously it isn't the right way to experience this molecule. Since then, I haven't touched it. This was about a week ago. I run in the mornings so my lungs are in superb shape, I think they felt violated after that experience and decided to throw a little tantrum. Also, some suggested spice being impure if it's yellow, maybe I have some lye in there since my tongue and lip usually go numb after a session... Too many variables to really pin down what happened but now I'm afraid to touch the stuff... I need my lungs!
#29 Posted : 8/9/2007 2:06:38 AM

John Murdoch IV

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You should clean the spice and see if there's a difference.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#30 Posted : 8/9/2007 3:40:54 PM

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Light yellow color will not hurt your lungs much more than clean spice. And do not worry about lye which vaporize at 1000+ degree. The numbness feeling comes from the DMT smoke when it is too dense on the lips or tongue. The trick is really to get the good smoking technique (long inhalation with quite light smoke). That way SWIM feels almost no harm on his throat/lungs. Much much less than any salvia hit at least.
#31 Posted : 3/15/2008 9:54:15 AM
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The Traveler wrote:
Funny to read this as it's one of the theories I came up with while doing my DMT research. Migraine is serotonin related and DMT effects serotonin dramatically. I was already looking for someone with migraine and a lust for new frontiers to test this theory but this experience already seems to underwrite the theory. Now we only need a few hundred more people as a test group to make it a scientific one. Pleased

DMT works great, it kills SWIM's migraines completely and it doesn't have any annoying side effects that sumatriptan does. Smile
#32 Posted : 4/2/2008 3:51:38 AM
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Kija. wrote:
Take one of those Tours into south America and have an Ayahuasca ritual of your own with a shaman.And others to be cured. They are very real I hear and plan on it myself when some things fall into place. here is one of them oops cant find, You can google it tho,Peace Kija.

tours, huh? they don't have that sort of thing for peyote do they? now THAT would be fuckin bad.

i myself don't find dmt to be that pleasant, it seems like something that your body needs when it's decomposing or something. Anyway my opinion is too much could screw up your brain chemistry, you'd either be on a permanent trip, or feel just fuckin wrong for the rest of your life, or something like the two.

that's my opinion
The Traveler
#33 Posted : 4/2/2008 8:25:28 PM

"No, seriously"

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fanatic wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
Funny to read this as it's one of the theories I came up with while doing my DMT research. Migraine is serotonin related and DMT effects serotonin dramatically. I was already looking for someone with migraine and a lust for new frontiers to test this theory but this experience already seems to underwrite the theory. Now we only need a few hundred more people as a test group to make it a scientific one. Pleased

DMT works great, it kills SWIM's migraines completely and it doesn't have any annoying side effects that sumatriptan does. Smile

This is great news! I'm wondering now what a threshold dose will be to work. I hope its possible to make the migraine go away without going into a trip.
#34 Posted : 4/3/2008 8:41:19 AM
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The Traveler wrote:
This is great news! I'm wondering now what a threshold dose will be to work. I hope its possible to make the migraine go away without going into a trip.

I've never done less than 20mg, I'll try smaller doses and let you know the results.
The Traveler
#35 Posted : 4/3/2008 6:27:01 PM

"No, seriously"

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fanatic wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
This is great news! I'm wondering now what a threshold dose will be to work. I hope its possible to make the migraine go away without going into a trip.

I've never done less than 20mg, I'll try smaller doses and let you know the results.

That would be great, thanx in advance.
#36 Posted : 4/5/2008 10:02:05 AM
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After waking up this morning with a migraine, intensity was around 5-6 on a scale of 10, I smoked about 5mg of spice which gave me a very mild psychedelic buzz and removed all symptoms of the migrane. It's now been 3 hours since I smoked it and the symptoms has not come back. I will try half that dose next time.
The Traveler
#37 Posted : 4/5/2008 2:45:29 PM

"No, seriously"

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fanatic wrote:
After waking up this morning with a migraine, intensity was around 5-6 on a scale of 10, I smoked about 5mg of spice which gave me a very mild psychedelic buzz and removed all symptoms of the migrane. It's now been 3 hours since I smoked it and the symptoms has not come back. I will try half that dose next time.

Its amazing that it works on such a low dose already.

I note you also include the intensity, a smart thing to do. Could it be possible for you to write down what each number of the scale represents? And maybe it is also interesting to know what you body weight is since body weight seems to effect the experience with DMT.

Then some other questions pop-up in my mind:
* Since when do you have migraine attacks?
* Since when did you take DMT to get rid of it?
* What was the migraine frquency and intensity before and after you took DMT to cure the migraine?

Thank you for the information you already gave. The information you provide sound invalueble to me!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#38 Posted : 4/8/2008 10:16:02 AM

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Dmt for me, smoked, seems to 'jet-wash' my brain providing me with greater clarity of thought after ive come down and a big mood lift. I just feel great realy! On the ball, happy and confident. Smile
#39 Posted : 7/13/2008 7:03:04 PM
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I've been looking everywhere to find information on the health effects of tryptamines (the psychedelic one's). Different sources seem to contradict eachother but in such a way that i think you can say that it is consistent with all the facts, that the experiences cause stress wich may have health benefits to some while its effects are negative to others, just as with other experiences that cause stress. With smoked DMT i have not been able to find anything, but i gues the smoke is not that good for your lungs.
wHats Yours?
#40 Posted : 7/22/2008 9:04:25 AM
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Ive also noticed that it kills your headaches. though from experience i had to smoke an average amount
to have the effect and it works quiker and alot greater than pills, but i wouldnt be using it at work.
well worth it. im suprised most people havnt noticed this, workd everytime great side effect to be with
your trip.
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