Ok so last nights ayahuasca ceremony was sooo completely and utterly wonderful!
I had been eating very selectivly for the last 3 days..and the aya form the night before seemed to really get my body ready for last night session..smoothest brew I had ever drank..no stomach problems or nausea whatsoever..this was a caapi only brew.
I set up a second alter below myalter of candles and crytals and feather that is always there permanently..on it I placed my bag of caapi vine and some dried salvia leave..more candles..a vial of vilca changa..some shells for burning incents..
I lit all the candles and said some words to my tea and then drank it..
Within 5 minutes I could feel the caapi building up to a strong sense of well being and the most beautiful euphoria, and was yawning like crazy durring the onset as well..the citar music playing in the background became thick and surround...I felt connected to everything and everything seemed very sensual..I felt like I could feel life flowing through everything..my blankets and pillows...the crystals..everything..it was very cosmic feeling..
It also became very introspective..I kept thinking about my whole life and everything seemed to fall into perspective..everything fit together..I felt extremely good and happy to just be alive..I felt full of wonder..I has tears in my eyes for a while..like they just kept comming and comming..without purpose it seemed..like my tearducts were purging themselves or something..
This was not some crazy visionry journey...thats not where aya was taking me..and I dont think I needed that either..but she was giving me exactly what I needed..I lay there in the candle light with this wonderful music in the background for at least an hour in complete ecstacy..rolling back and forth laughing ocasionally at nothing..
I started to notice a hazy blueish sort of phosphene thing happening when I closed me eyes, and an ambient glow forming around the candle flames..and I felt real dreamy...so I decided to smoke the smallest bit of the bufotenine changa I had placed on my alter..I didnt want to overpower this wonderful caapi spirit I was feeling..nor did I want to get nauseated or deal with constriction..just a hint of the vilca spirit..
So I smoked 3 small hits over about 10 minutes...and it was really nice..there was some mellow visuals and the glow around the candle flames took on some extra shimmering colors...but the best part was durring the second phase of the bufo, where it seems to metabolize into something more similar to psilocin...I could tell when this tage hit..and it was better than I had ever experienmced it to be on other journeys with smoked harmalas..or when i dosed before or after the main aya peak..
For one thing it seemed to cycle through my system for a good 2 hours..with the caapi still going strong..it was waayyy more like DMT or psilocin than bufo has evr been for me..and with such a tiny dose as well...I sat there for sooo long feeling soo good...I sat there thinking and thinking for quite some time fully content..dream like sequences would play out quickly when I shut my eyes butnothing overpowering visually or otherwise...
I even ate a pice or organic rye and sunflower seed bread abotu 2 hours after the aya and a few unsalted nuts without any hint of stomach discomfort..
finally I passed out..and I had these dreams where I was in the rainforst..and I was being shown by some people all these different types of caapi, and different admixtures that I have never ever heard of before..I dunno what to make of that but it was facinating..
When I woke at about 6am today I felt very well rested..like I slept better than ever..and I felt very relaxed layign there..and the most amazing thing happened..I drifted off to find myself fully lucid on ther other side..in the dreamlands..
I was in the forest..fully aware that i was dreaming..like poof, I was there..usually when I lucid dream it starts with sleep paralysis and I get all the vibrations and its real rough and I cant hold on for longer than like30 seconds..but this time I had skipped all that..
I felt super thrilled and at peace to be there, I thought this was it..I am finally here and fully lucid on the other side!..the setting was beautiful..thick forest surrounding a village area with a grassy clearing leading into the forest..in the forest was a winding river..I flew off into the forst..through the canopy..for a good 10-15 muinutes it seemed..i felt like peter pan..
It was amazing flying like that through the trees..I almost want to cry right now thinking about it was sooo amazing...I have never been that lucid with that much controll for that long..eventaully I flew up, up way above the canopy..I kept going up anf up without any effort until I was in space! I turned upside down with my head pointing towards the earth and looked down at the earth from space..this cosmic egg that has birthed each and every one of us..it was soo god damn amazing..
I felt this spiritual energy comming over me..like i was having this huge realization..a full on psycho spritual experience seeign the earth from that perspective...I cant even begin to put this feeling into words..this must be how it feels for the astronaughts to see earth from space for the very first time..except I wasnt in any ship..just me..floating there in complete bliss..the weightlessness was also a very indescribable feeling..
When I finally woke up it was very smooth..I just surfaced back from that experince into by bed as I was floating back down towards earth..I was ecstatic..tears inmy eyes..I lay there a good 2 hours completely blwon away by what had transpired...must have been a gift from aya..
Long live the unwoke.