So, at first glance, I thought that the reference was bunk. The wiki article doesn't cite a page and the only
Albizia species listed in the index in my copy are:
A. anthelmintica
A. julibrissin
A. lebbeck
A. zygiaAt a glance, none of them are mentioned in relation to DMT.
So, I started looking up the synonyms and sure enough,
Acacia polyantha is in the Encyclopedia.
However, Ratsch gives a different author than the wiki for the supposed acacia and explicitly says "syn.
Acacia suma," indicating the plant he is discussing as having the accepted name of
A. polyantha is also referred to as
A. suma. Using the authors he provides, I tracked down the accepted name for that plant (it looks like he may have made a typo) which is
Acacia polyacantha.
Additionally, the statement made for this plant in the book is "The leaves apparently contain N,N-DMT." No source given for this claim. We've already shown at least one of Ratsch's speculative claims to likely be bunk (DMT in B. muricata leaves), so I'm not too comfortable taking his word without further evidence, especially such a throwaway sentence as presented above. The other mention of polyantha is on a chemical constituents table for "Betel quids," which he sourced from other authors.
A. polyantha has
zero active constituents listed in this table.
Ratsch makes mention of
A. camplyacantha syn.
A. polyacantha ssp. camplyacantha containing DMT in the leaves, but this plant isn't suggested as a synonym for
A. inundata anywhere in any literature.
So essentially, even if we take the dubious sentence on good faith, we are ultimately left with two acacias, zero albizias, and a bunch of confused botanical nomenclature. As the question of DMT-containing albizias is no longer on the table, imo (at least, not based on this reference) and as
Trout has already treated the acacias in question, I'm going to go ahead and bang my gavel, declaring my lack of belief in the albizia claim unless someone can point out something I missed in the nomenclature.
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The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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