Does anyone here like combing their dissos with their psychedelics?
I have tried two combinations.
The first one was 3-ho-pcp and LSD. I took 4mg of 3-ho-pcp to start the night, followed up with a redose of 2mg an hour later and took about 2/3 of a tab, roughly 75ug, about thirty minutes later.
It was absolutely insane. Once the LSD kicked in, I was in a land of pudding. I was lucky to be home because there was no way I could function in society. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes for about 2-3 hours. I become a cloud of lightness. Gravity didn't exist. I was a block of jello floating down a river of pudding. Everything was a soft color of blue and pink. It was so gentle and loving. I couldn't tell left from right, up from down. By themselves, they are standard doses. Together, they will put you in a land you are foreign to. I haven't repeated this since. I would but I haven't. Solid +3 for the night.
The second and last combo was Deschloroketamine and LSD. I took 10mg DCK followed by 10mg DCK and 30-40ug of LSD an hour later. I was outside most of the time so the heat was scorching me. I did not feel too comfortable overall. The drugs were allowing me to enter a deep rhetoric but I was with some friends who wanted to talk. It was difficult to focus. I was able to feel all my nerves. Ever itch and scratch was more pronounced. I decided to head home because the heat was too much. Once I was home, the whole trip changed. The LSD hit me way harder than expected. I felt incredible. I was dancing and singing. I ended up reading and writing. It was a good trip. It allowed me to realize psychedelics are king. The last year has shifted me towards dissociatives, but they feel dirty to me in a way now. Psychedelics are so clean. They aren't as gentle as dissos, but dissos lack the edge of a psychedelic and I love that edge. I would repeat but not for a while. +2 overall.
What combos have you done? Was it worth it?