Propello wrote:
If this is the case, it is a mystery how the best mathematicians/physicians on Earth is not aware of this.
Yeah. I had similar thoughts, right before I realized how funny this reality was.
I’ll show you the math, but let’s start from why the Big Bang is wrong. Once you disprove the concept of light, it makes no sense to talk about the Big Bang. The Big Bang a bit longer, and it’s without math.
I. Big Bang
The theory says that one day (before time), nothing exploded into everything.
How do we know it? It’s said it had to explode because the Universe is expanding. How do we know it is expanding? We know it from the redshift of the stars.
Let’s ignore that the doppler-effect wasn’t proven on the light. There were some experiments in the particle-collider. Now think of the scale on which it could be measured when light could go around Earth about eight times a second.
Never mind. Let’s say the doppler-effect works on light, and it causes the redshift.
Based on the redshift, the farther a star is from Earth, the higher speed is with which it’s flying away from us. Moreover, the speed of expansion is increasing. Besides, stars are flying away from us multiple times of the speed of the light, based on the redshift.
Some scientists even say that the light from certain stars will never reach Earth, and in the end, all stars will disappear from the sky.
The latter is violating the axiom on which the relativity theory was built. It is a hypothesis that the speed of the light between two objects is constant regardless of the relative speed of two objects. If it’s true, then the light from the star should reach us, because, at a given moment, the light is at a certain distance from us, and it’s coming at a constant speed, unrelated to our speed and the star’s speed (compared to what, by the way).
So, it should arrive. Normally, we should stop taking it seriously already here, but let’s move on.
How can the stars fly away from us multiple times of the speed of light if the speed of light is impossible to reach?
The answer is that “they are not flying away from us, but space is expanding”. So cool. What does it mean? Do the atoms get larger? No. Then, what the hell? Why cannot I have a spaceship that is flying three times speed of light, and say, “Hey, it’s just expanding, didn’t you know that? It was all in the news.”
By the way, how can black holes have a gravity field if gravity waves travel with the speed of light, but even photons cannot escape black holes?
And where is the energy coming from that makes the expansion faster and faster? Did anyone hear about kinetic energy?
Never mind.
Let’s accept what the religion says. The stars are not flying away from us multiple times the speed of light, which is said to be impossible, but space is expanding.
So, if the stars are not flying away from us, then why the hell do we see redshift, which would happen if they were flying away from us, and which was the basis of the theory of the Big Bang?
If the expansion of the space can cause redshift, then how is it different from starts flying away from us?
So, we ended up with an “expansion of space” that behaves the same as stars flying away would behave. Stars flying away doesn’t make your body grow. The expansion of space doesn’t make your body grow. Stars flying away is supposed to cause redshift. The expansion of space causes redshift. So, what’s the difference?
And, finally, how could it be even more silly?
II. Relativity Theory
The energy of light, based on relativity theory, must be either zero or infinite. You may understand it if you think if it, but here is the math. energy:
Ek = mϒc² - mc²
mc² is the rest mass of the object. ϒ is a value that gets “infinite”, more precisely, not calculatable when the speed of the object reaches the speed of light.
ϒ= 1 / √( 1 - v²/c² )
(“√“is square root)
This is told be the reason no object can reach the speed of light. So, let’s see what happens to the photon.
If the rest mass of the photon is zero (as they say), then mϒc² - mc² will be either zero - if we allow anything multiplied by zero to be zero -, or it will be uncalculable - if we are strict.
If the rest mass is not zero, the photon cannot reach the speed of light, based on relativity, just like nothing else can.
Now, if you go outside, and you look into the Sun for a second (please wear sunglasses), tell me if you think the energy of light is either zero or infinite.
By the way, if the rest mass of the photon is zero, its energy is zero. ( E = mc² )
How can a particle have zero energy? What is it made of? Dreams? Illusions?
And if the kinetic energy is a product of the rest mass of the photon and an arbitrary value, how could it have kinetic energy with zero rest mass?
And if it doesn’t have energy, how do solar cells generate electricity?
III. Alternative
It’s easy to come up with reasonable alternatives. I consider it only a trick of the mind as light does not exist, but why not play a bit?
I say the speed of the light increases over distance. Why not? If the Universe could expand with increasing speed, then light could speed up too. In the end, it’s much better as the increasing expansion speed of the Universe violates the laws of physics, while the increasing speed of the light doesn’t have to.
Because when its speed is increasing, it’s frequency decreases. The waves get longer. So simple. And the lower frequency has lower energy. Red light has a lower energy than blue light. What is gained in speed is lost in frequency. Hence the energy remains the same. I didn’t do the math as the whole idea is a joke, but it’s already more reasonable.
And wow! We also explained the redshift.
It means the Universe doesn’t have to expand. So, we eliminated the issue with the increasing kinetic energy too.
This alternative theory took me a few minutes to come up with. You can find an infinite amount of better theories than the impossible to reach speed of the light that light can reach somehow, and the coming from the nowhere kinetic energy of the expansion of the Universe.
It’s just it’s easier to understand the whole thing is a joke.
Scientists got atoms because they asked for it. Now they are looking at them under the microscope and wondering.
Or maybe they don’t.
I am not saying Einstein was not smart. I don’t think he existed.