Hi Folks
I've been working on a method of Extraction using a slow cooker for temperature regulation and I have it pretty much working perfectly now so I thought I'd share it.
I have a pretty basic slow cooker with just high and low settings so I attached it to a timer as shown.
I filled it full of water and messed about with the on/off period and the high/low setting until I could get it to hold at around 45-50 degrees C.
For me it was on for 15 mins off for 30 mins with the cooker on high setting.
I made my soup and put it in what we Brits call a Kilner jar as can be seen.
This is also very useful because as you can see I fitted a plastic sheet over the top of the jar to stop the naphtha escaping. When the jar needs a shake you can just snap the lid down, do your business, and then pop it open. You don't even need to remove the plastic covering.
You don't have to worry about topping the warm water up either and there is virtually no mess at all.
I found it best to make sure that you don't fill the water above the level of the soup or the naphtha evaporates too quickly.
Two pulls is all it takes to get pretty much all of the spice. I don't even bother with a 3rd now the is nothing left!
Now to get the next batch on ready for the lockdown.....
Violet Quark attached the following image(s):

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