Hello all,
So here I am at the DMT-Nexus, a middle-aged Englishman resident in Australia with a new-found interest in psychedelic drugs, and evidently there are a lot of people here who know what they’re talking about so I think I’ve come to the right place. In the past 25 years I’ve had psilocybin twice and LSD and DMT once each, and no other psychedelics, so I’m regarding myself as an utter newbie, as raw as they come.
In my late teens, while still at school, several of my friends’ parents had been part of the first wave of psychedelia and through them our curiosity was aroused, and LSD in particular was readily available. It was incredibly powerful, far more so than my more recent samples, and needless to say our fragile young minds were blown (mostly only for the duration of the trips, mind — we graduated from high school with the expected grades despite our minds not exactly being on the job). It was an amazing few years but my friends and I now agree that it was too much too young, particularly in the recklessly recreational way we were tripping out. When one of our number fell into the abyss of paranoid schizophrenia we all cooled off on the idea of psychedelics, only having occasional dabbles with far gentler psilocybin experiences (liberty caps were abundant in the fields around our small town every autumn). Then we moved to the big city, got proper jobs, fell in love, had babies and drank too much … you know the routine.
Wind forward to 2019 and one of those old friends and I became interested in psychedelics once again, independently of each other and largely inspired by the positive publicity put out over the past decade. Now in our 50’s we think we’re mature enough to revisit psychedelia, and this time take it seriously and do it safely and learn from it. My recent experience is negligible but I’ve done an awful lot of reading up and I like what I’m finding out. My motivation is doubtless very similar to most people’s, being part psychonautic curiosity, part some nebulous notions of personal growth and spirituality, and part medication for chronic major depressive disorder. For reasons not quite known it’s DMT I’m most drawn to, and also 5-MeO-DMT, though that can wait until I’m satisfied my experiences with DMT have somewhat prepared me for the big one.
DMT isn’t easy to source here, plus I don’t like drug dealers, so my first step was to be to make my own … except I think I’ve screwed it up! This is my first post here, and my second will be a plea for advice on salvaging the mess I’ve unwittingly made, cos I’d done the research and got the ingredients and followed instructions and blah … Post #2 to follow …
Anyway, thanks for letting me in, and for producing this fine online resource. I have much to learn.