This report outlines the methods and results of a test done on
Psychotria "DW02", an interspecific hybrid of Psychotria carthagenensis and Psychotria viridis bred by Darren at Herbalistics. Psychotria carthagenensis is the pistillate parent and Psychotria viridis is the staminate parent.
The plant is available here - extraction using the Lextek was undertaken using dry leaf material to provide a DMT yield. It is assumed that a significantly high level of DMT will result in this plant being found suitable as an Ayahuasca source plant. At this time test Ayahuasca brews have not been undertaken by me using this leaf material.
Three "DW02" clones were grown in pots for around 18 months. Plants were trimmed right back for harvest resulting in 810g wet leaf, which dried down to 547g dried leaf. Leaf was harvested right on dusk and plants watered 1 hour prior.
The Letek resulted in 4.77g of clean white DMT crystal.
Final yield is 0.87% DMT from dry leaves
Psychotria viridis "Shipibo" or "narrow leaf" clone yields around 1% under similar conditions. So this makes the DW02 clone a viable alternative just going by the DMT content and depending on the climate where you live may be a much better alternative to grow your own Chacruna leaf.
Herbalistics has plants at the above link.
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