SunPatterns wrote:Hello everyone.
I havnt really used this site much, but figured Id pull the plug on becoming a member. I do occasionally refer here for certain things, like analytical research, and certain teks etc.
Ive been a member over at STS for a while now and am trusted trader there.
The last few years I have been big into the plant and cactus game. I have a fairly respectable garden at the moment and it slowly grows. Ive been trying to get into sustainable side of things lately, and also a little bit of conservation as much as I am capable of doing. I would also love to get into testing plants and such and helping provide some data on research Ive seen being posted here.
Besides cacti, my most important project right now is the Diplopterys cabrerena. I received one last year from a well known STS member and have had it growing well since. I hope to eventually share it around over there in the forum in the coming years, as was done for me. <3 (I also asked about testing the D. cab and was told the ones we all received were tested and showed only dmt, so that is promising for everyone)
I also grow mushrooms regularly and lately have been doing some experiments with some gourmets. Trying to consolidate techniques into much more simple practice. Something that can be used across the board and easy for a beginner cultivator.
Anyway, I will stop rambling on for now, as I can probably go on and on about things I have done/am doing/plan to do eventually. I hope to be able to become a full member here and spread some love <3 Peace and thank you. aurevoir o/
Man, sts is a pain to get into, ive tried many times and i know the answers to the dang questions haahahah. Glad you are here posting now, I just started myself! Its also nice to have more mush growers here!
Btw...I love you ya sexy beast =)
Don't worry, B. Caapi!