SWIM who has used rhodiola rosea extract (RR) has taken it off and on for years, to reduce stress, at the recommended dose of 2 x 250mg of Rhodiola Rosea extract a day morning and lunch, its a wonderful adaptogen.
SWIM had not taken rhodiola for a while and thought SWIM would refresh their understanding of its properties.
With SWIM now also having an understanding of DMT & MAOI's such as Syran Rue seed extracts/reduction including THH and Caapi vine, read how Rhodiola Rosea is a reversible inhibitor of MAO-A and inhibits MAO-B.
Monoamine oxidase inhibition by Rhodiola rosea L. roots
https://www.sciencedirec...le/pii/S037887410900021XSWIM then took rhodiola rosea for two day as recommended, then a skipped a days dose and that same night 3 x lung fulls of DMT vaper was inhaled via a e-cig vaporizer (normally more would have been required) the onset was much slower and not as disabling as other sessions in terms of anesthesia, without the rhodiola rosea. It was much more of an eyes open experience and multiple layers of color tinted transparent patterns, eye closed it did not have the same grasp of SWIM attention the duration was longer that other sessions and a slow return to normality.
SWIM saw many 3D pattern ozzing around the ground and floors of jelly fish patterns as the effects wore off.
Gentle music sounded exceptional, lifting the experience, SWIM lost track of time a few time during the experience, which was a little disturbing but nothing new.
SWIM ate a regular dinner of meat and veggies 1.5 tp 2 hours prior with no ill effects.
SWIM realized that the use of rhodiola rosea had influenced his use of DMT in the past due to sometime much more pale experiences presumably not dosed with RR and sometime very rich beautiful experiences when dosed with RR but the cause for the variance was not recognized.
In all of SWIM's every day type experiences he never had any bad experience with taking rhodiola rosea and reactions eating regular foods and drinks including red wine, which is very much a no no with other MAOI's and 4 hour fasting minimum is required prior to taking those MAOI's to avoid such negative reactions.
Remember everyone is different so use caution if trying such things, investigate the RR usage and interactions fully, test the rhodiola rosea several times as recommended on the packaging directions in case there is a delayed/bad reaction, if none proceed cautiously put some time between your last dose of RR and your DMT, SWIM has a 12 hour no RR gap, SWIM plans a low oral DMT dosing with RR next test.
Happy travels