A little about myself...
Mid 50's with wife and 3 kids 10, 12 & 13. Business owner and well known in our community.
Been on a quest all my life to understand "why am I here, what is my purpose, what is reality, who am I", etc, etc. As youg as I can remember I've had these questions. I am driven to know what the "truth" is.
Stumbled upon Paul Stamits on youtube and my interest in psychedelics was born. Have been doing a ton of research. Have never done any psychedelics except for a shroom trip a decade ago (about 2 to 3 grams) and then a 6 gram trip a few months back. Learned a few things from that trip and one of the biggest was set and setting. Was too worried about my wife freaking out that I could not just let go.
Also, early in the trip I was told "you need to take 2 grams more". Planning a 10 gram trip soon.
I'm super excited to try dmt. I am absolutely driven to see if what has been described by others is true. I have to know.
I've extracted some dmt but when I smoked it I got nothing from it. Still learning and I'm brewing up another batch this weekend. I'm wondering if some people can have a higher tolerance for it?
Looking forward to learning more and I sure appreciate the people behind this site.