dude_meet_tyler wrote:Good Morning Everyone,
It has been a while since Ive been here, with the same user name. Seems at one point inactive users were cleared and I was one of them.
Why was I inactive?
Well a long term toxic relationship led to some poor choices. Frequent consumption of copious amounts of alcohol may have been the cause of bouts of depression and anxiety or maybe it was the relationship? Regardless, during this time I lost almost all interest in my hobbies (psychedelic adventures being just one of many) as escapism consumed me.
I’ve tried more or less everything that might have been worth to try (except for most of the designer fabrications, or destructive stuff like meth).
I’m sure that the far worst substance ever crossed my body and my brain was the alcohol. (I’m going to open a thread related to the subject from another point of view).
The most important thing I wanted to tell you, and why I am writing to you isn’t that alcohol is the worst one. You can google for it. Or you can figure it out. That’s not my point.
My point is that you need to forgive yourself, stop blaming yourself, and start to work.
Drinking isn’t your weakness. It’s not a bad habit either. It’s not a simple addiction.
Drinking is self-medication.
It’s essential to understand that self-medication, in reality, is almost always unintentional and unconscious. It’s not like you know you have a problem, you google for the elixir, and you go to the store and the pharmacy, and you buy it.
Your brain knows there is a problem. Your brain tries to solve it. Your brain, most of the time, finds the wrong solution unless you are learning or receiving help.
For example, I knew I had issues with alcohol. I never went to the point that others would consider "a drinker". My worst experiences were moments when I vomited, looked into the mirror, and asked myself, "Why the hell are you doing this?"
It didn’t happen often, and I was in control. It only felt crap. Cigarettes were the other "meds". In the end, I started smoking again after six years of a break. It was not an accident or a weak moment. It was my decision. I went to the pharmacy, and I bought something that had no smoke in it but pure nicotine. (I ended up e-smoking, then quitting again).
It was only in my thirties when, after reading a lot and talking a lot with people who should have figured it out based on their profession, I understood I had adult ADD.
It happened half a year after I stopped drinking forever. I quit drinking, smoking, and more or less or my other "addictions" only to realize I didn’t get happier. Not at all. I was missing something but I knew alcohol wouldn’t help.
The day I figured out my ADD, I looked around home. I had maybe 40-50 boxes of nutrition (vitamins, extractions, all legal). About 80% of what I ordered over many years, was recommended for ADD. When I ordered them, I didn’t know what ADD was. I knew some problems, and I tried to solve them. I read products based on the descriptions. That’s self-medication.
When I was reading two excellent books about ADD, I had hundreds of "OMG" moments. Everything in my life made sense. Realizing I had ADD and starting to improve it was one of the most significant positive impacts on my life.
My point is: you can quit drinking. You can be strong and never drink again. (And that’s what I recommend you from all my heart). But you do yourself a magnitude bigger favor if you figure it out why you drunk.
There is always a reason.
You may want to dig into that.
Also, if you go down the rabbit hole, try to distinguish symptoms from conditions. ADD is a condition or let’s say an attribute. Depression is a symptom. At least, most of the time. Bipolar depression may be a condition and may be related to physical-biological causes. Yet many times, depression is only a symptom of something you didn’t yet figure out, or could not deal with it.
Instead of asking yourself "Why was I weak/stupid to drink", you may want to ask, "what am I trying to improve or solve"?
ADD is one of the possible reasons for an addict-like behavior. I’m not an official doctor. You may want to google for other possibilities.