AmongstTrees wrote:
My recent experiences have brought me to the conclusion that the Earth is one organism of which we are simply a part and that the organism is unlikely confined to this Earthly instantiation. What ever it is that breaths its consciousness into us and our world extends far beyond what we can see. Therefore, we cannot see reality. Without the use of psychedelic substances or careful meditation, we are trapped in the lies told by our senses (and the rest of our nervous system). And when we do get glimpses of reality we are doomed to doubt the veracity due to our function being so dependent on the biological senses.
It's a good thought to conclude. I'm glad everything is one. It feels homier and more connecting to know we are all one. A lot of the theories in the book I thought while on LSD in particular, but after the trips, I would always think back and say, "No way that's true!" Now, those thoughts are being confirmed.