Hi guys! I'm really happy to be here.
Scylla, Thank you! Your most recent comment deserves a response but one that may take me a while to put together. Thanks!

Achilles, I appreciate your kind words. That is why I came around these parts, to learn as much as I can from all of you guys!
Cactus Man, Thanks much M8! Hope to see you around!
Vibe Surfer, great question! My name is the same on there, and I contributed about 5-7 years ago. I recently required my account which was so old it wasn't even a req. to attach an email so I had to go through this whole thing ahah. All the experience reports with the name "Salem" attached to them. Again, very old reports. I want to go back and update the writing. I had a load of user talks but they have since become obsolete and user talks are no longer a thing. I also, with the help of this very site and many others, posted various teks. YOu can see that at the bottom of many teks if you look at the edit history. I must admit some of the ones I put up were moved "Reposted" by
Cocoanata. So she got credit for some of them, which bothers me more than it should because all of the information came from other people anyway, I had just complied it. I don't even know the exact sources I compiled it from because at the time they wouldn't let me credit the true pioneres who created the teks.
Im sure you're wondering so I started the following wiki pages:
(again I stress that I am not any of the clever people who did the true legwork for this knowledge, I just posted it on the site, and much of it probably needs to be updated.)
* Outdoor Mushroom Cultivation
* Mushroom Chocolates
* Cannabis Cookies
* Cannabis Butter
* The Changa Preparation Guide (Thanks to all of you nice folk) Coco got the credit for that one. Which I keep having to remind myself is okay because I just put it together from these forums anyway.
* Crude Iso Canna-Oil
* Tincture of LSA extract (again, probably all you guys)
I also Posted the Norman and Marsifold Tek. The Norman was basically just copied over but the A/B Extraction based on the Marsifold tek is the Marsifold with a few of my notes in there.
__ There are a few pages I intended to put up there which have remained unfinished red links for years. Like The cacti growing Tips.
The Experience Reports Have my name on them so I dont suppose Ill need to specify.
Thanks for the question!

"We get to the end and find out we missed the point. Life is a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing and dance while it was being played." - Alan Watts