Hello all,
Sorry this ended up being so long, I wanted to document it as well as I could for both my sake and anyone who had a similar experience. That is one thing that surprised me, I wasn’t able to find any similar experiences out there, or at least to this extent.
I have been using DMT for a few years now, I have had around 30 trips, and up until somewhat recently most of my experiences haven’t been too outside the realm of expectation. Not to say that my experiences haven’t been the most intense and spiritual moments of my life, and when I say expectation I simply mean that the general flow of events for a trip, as well as the content being analogous to at least a few other people’s own experiences with DMT. In fact, the experience I am covering is what made me finally make an account on the Nexus, I have been a lurker for a while now, and only now have felt like I had something that I was obligated to share as I was unable to find any similar experiences. That being said, you should know my experience and methods with DMT, as mentioned I have had a few trips, and feel pretty confident with my ability to handle the sights and thoughts shared with me. I typically smoke the crystals via a crack pipe or similar apparatus. I almost always mediate before and after to help prepare myself going in and integrate the experience afterwards. My dosage was probably around 2 to 3 times threshold, I don’t typically measure unless there are some unknowns going in. The pull I was using I had already tested on more than one occasion and once again nothing special there. I was with a small group of friends, H, V, X, and myself. I had a positive mindset going in, I was in a pretty good place in my life in general and had shared previous psychedelic experiences with all those present.
Leading up:
Just like any other trip it was preceded by some meditation, discussion, and finally we put on some music. I don’t believe it is related, but I will note that it was math rock, my favorite genre, and this was the first time I had tripped to it. Anywho, V was not partaking, and H and X had gone before me, I soon followed.
After effects:
I opened my eyes around 7 minutes after closing my eyes, I didn’t remember anything except I had done DMT, and where I was, who I was, but the previous however long was completely lost to me. With my eyes open, I looked around, H and X seamed to be back to normal, I relaxed somewhat and looked down. I looked back up and asked for the music to be stopped. Here is a dialogue that happened shortly after.
H: How are you doing?
Me: Good, I just don’t know what’s going on
H: You took some DMT You’re probably still feeling it.
M: I know that, I just am confused
V: About where you are?
M: I know where I am, I just don’t understand anything
a small amount of time passes
M: Literally everything in this room confuses me, like all of it
H: What do you mean
M: That couch confuses me, the floor confuses me, I am confusing myself
M: How long has it been
V: Since you took the DMT?
M: Since I opened my eyes, but that too please
V: its only been about 10 minutes, maybe 4 since you opened your eyes
M: That confuses me, I know consciously how much time should pass but it still confuses me
H: Like how long it’s been?
M: *stammer* its hard to explain, it’s very confusing.
H: Ok
Some time passes as I try to ride out the confusion, maybe 5 or 10 min
V: Would watching something help
M: Maybe, I think so, I don’t know it’s still very confusing
V: It won’t confuse you to see something mythical, like magic
M: No, I know a unicorn doesn’t exist and manticores do (joke)
H: you can make jokes, but you’re still confused?
M: I think so yes
The rest of the night basically consisted of ten-minute intervals of time where a similar conversation would happen with me being very present mentally, and in control of all of my faculties, just extremely horribly confused by everything. After about an hour of this I became somewhat worried as any DMT should have stopped affecting me after 30 minutes the way I took it. A total of three hours passed since I first took the DMT, I was driven to my home by X, and was perfectly functional, just horribly horribly confused. Any level of self-reflection was equally, if not more so confusing, which made journaling my experience in the moment near impossible as it was mostly just ramblings and incoherent. I went to bed that before the confusion dissipated.
I awoke the next morning slightly less confused, but still very much confused. At this point I was somewhat prepared to be perma fried by DMT, something I thought impossible, although at the same time my ability to think about that and not immediately think “I don’t know, its just really confusing” somewhat lifted my spirits. While not quick, the confusing was dissipating, it wasn’t for another two days until the sensation became more akin to background noise than being the loudest feeling in every moment. The following two weeks or so I was able to meditate on the sensation and focus on it, although it was about as strong a sensation as a sock over your foot, you really only feel it if you focus on it, otherwise your brain tunes it out. As time passed the confusion effectively stopped, although even now I am pretty sure I feel different than I did before, but I don’t know how trustworthy my own sensations are, especially when concerned with self-reflection, “the system says the system is doin good”
Time for the system to say what happened to the system. This is of course a loose hypothesis than an actual explanation. First let me say, I think the self is more than just your memories, I think it is a mix of whatever it is that filters perception, memory, and then the part of you that is capable of thought. I think, that the part of me that either filters reality, the thinking part, or the memory of existing was wiped out during the trip. I had all of my memories, I was able to think about my memories and make conclusions about my environment and the people in it perfectly fine. There was just some deep level of disconnect I had with my reality. Although I knew everything in it, feeling it, perceiving it, was deeply new and unfamiliar. I had a concept of time afterwards, when asking how much time had passed I knew what a minute was, but I had no ability to feel a minute pass, or what it meant to feel time pass.
I think this explains why my confusion lasted so long, while the substances had been metabolized and no longer affected me, the newness of reality was still there, my inability to grasp at concepts I had information of persisted. I believe that I had to relearn what perception felt like form the ground up, and thus as of writing this I am not nearly as confused about things like couches or time when I first opened my eyes.
The implications for myself, and whether or not I am the same person as before I haven’t really grappled with. I kind of rather leave that barrel of monkeys somewhere else, maybe an entity has an answer for me who knows. I do somewhat find the idea of different selves inhabiting the same body at different times adding memories to it somehow romantic. But I honestly don’t know how to interpret or expand upon such thoughts and ideas. It’s quite confusing.
Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think, or if I failed to specify something to your satisfaction.
Travel well