i thought about posting it in the tavern, but it's kinda spirituaal related, so maybe it fits in here, please correct me if i'm wrong.
Anyone heard about Mindfulness yet?
It changed my life!
Saturday was my last session of a 8 week long therapy, pretty expensive, 330 euros for 8 lessons of 3.5 hour, but all by all pretty much worthed.
It's an ancient 2500 year old practice wich combines a lot of things, like Yoga, Meditation, Buddhism, psychology and probably lots more.
The life saying of Mindfulness is;
"Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why it's called Present".
The meaning of it all is to live in the NOW, not in the past, and not in the future, and that's very hard, for me it is at least.
They teach you how to reduce stress and live in the now, it takes practice, probably life long practice.
A lot of meditaion is the main source of stress reduction, combined with breathing exercices the purpose is not to think about anything, ofcoarse the mind does nothing else but thinking all the time, so when i meditate all kind of thoughts come by, but those should just pass.
It also helps with pain,(phisic and mental) it's all about acceptation, from the moment you accept your pain it will get less intense, we all are constantly fighting our emotions, when we need to do things we tend to resit, although we really need to do them, so it's better to just accept the things the way they are, instead of trying to change them, not in a passive way, but conscious, this way we can deal with them much easier i noticed.
It helped me a lot, and most of all the meditaion helped me, when i forget to do my meditaion practice for a few days i really feel the difference, i'm more moody and more aggitated then when i did them.
I thought i should make you people aware of this practice, maybe Mindfulness will cross your path one day and makes you a different person, and live in the now instead of worrying about lot's of things.
It sure made me much more patient, and without worrying my life is way easier, this was mostly the cause of my bad mood, worries.
Yes, it kinda looks like an advertising when i re-read it.