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Bringing something back? Options
#1 Posted : 1/23/2020 10:39:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Do any of you believe in the possibility of bringing an entity back with you? I have a tendency to be long winded so I’ll try to keep this short. After my first breakthrough my dreams changed drastically and more so each time since. Now it’s as though my conscious is swimming through the void with not my conscious. I get asked questions I need to accept the answers to and my only visualizations are a monitoring of my life functions. Such as watching a live 3D active rendering of my heart or watching the electrical impulses of my nervous system. The only personification I could use here is it’s the dynamic between an old school nanny and her charge but at the same time I feel no feminine (or masculine) attributes from this presence. I’m not scared I’m confused. I don’t understand what’s going on with me. I’m familiar with what self manifestations outside of ego feel like and this feels completely alien and by no means malevolent. It’s protecting me from myself and pushing me in directions mentally I need to go. At the same time I’m a very prideful man who is being monitored and pushed. It’s very conflicting alone and also I’m torn between the ideas of having invited something to take residence with me or having let my psyche fracture so hard I can’t even recognize my internal reality anymore. Hoping this community might direct me toward literature or ideas that would give me some understanding. Things undoubtedly need to be addressed in myself but what to address and how?

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#2 Posted : 1/24/2020 12:08:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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hmmm well if i were in your situation I would start learning how to have wake induced lucid dreams or astral projections. This would give you the opportunity to explore your subconscious landscape as a 'virtual' reality. In these spaces you can receive answers that reside deep into your psyche. And if you truly do have an 'entity' (whether it be your own projection or something external) it should give you the chance to meet it face to face per say.

But also something to remember is intuition often feels like an external download of information, and can take many forms. If the 'entity' is pushing you in directions you already recognise you should be going, it may be a manifestation of that.

All in all, I'd recommend some sober spiritual practices. Things like meditation, astral projection and lucid dreaming have always been crucial for me to integrate extreme experiences.

I am interested to hear do you have any current practices or rituals? have you experimented with 'natural' psychedelic experiences through meditation, binaural beats, etc?

Maybe its a part of you that's always been in your subconscious but now your awareness has grown to accompany its function. As we can't control our subconscious, being aware of its function can feel quite like an alien presence.

All in all i believe the answer is within you. Good luck and i look forward to hearing from you.
#3 Posted : 1/24/2020 6:01:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I practice meditation as well as I can but there’s a lot of work to go there. A lot of the concepts I’ve found in different practices I already implement naturally since childhood so I do intend to further myself there. I always end up with something akin to motion sickness that shakes me back down before I can fully let go though. I’ve looked into lucid dreaming and that’s not an avenue for me to take generally but with things being as different as they are now it may be worth looking again. I’ve had little to no success trying to implement binaural beats it throws me off and leaves me frustrated for whatever reason. If you have any tips or can point me in the right direction for lucid dreaming or astral projection or even any meditation techniques that make a difference for you I would be very appreciative to hear them. I appreciate your response in the first place. To now the only static practices that have helped are breathing patterns and the “memory palace” that’s used in many mental exercises but I’m open to explore.
Strangely though my “palace” is a forest of complete imaginary construct or at least one I’ve never been to. It’s been the same my whole life since before I knew what these practices were. I’ve never seen it in a dream like many people have but I did see it through dmt breakthroughs as the protected area no entity or other influence allowed except a little girl that lives in there... also there throughout my life same girl. I don’t know if any of that holds any significance but they are differences from the standard concept of a memory palace.
#4 Posted : 1/24/2020 6:34:15 AM

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Hi Swarra. I think I understand your current situation. First: you very much have invited something into your life which will never leave and should never leave if you want to understand all things and be liberated from reckoning in terms of material form and be one with the profound, and immeasurable and unfathomable. For this I encourage one to read the ancient holy texts (for your particular case now I recommed the Nipata Sutta: https://youtu.be/6AbzrmrVD1k ) and to primarily practice meditation and anapanasati for it is through these two practices that beautiful and cosmic insight comes into one's life to aid as you adapt to this new cosmic awareness. It is through the breath that one will achieve ultimate victory over all things; through the breath one faces and solves once and for all the entire movements of consciousness.

The four noble truths must be comprehended and the eightfold path must be taken on with courage for these are the heart and soul of meditation. Surrender to the void. Be one with it. In moments of fear, anxiety, or uncomfortablness, remember that all shall pass and that soon your knowledge shall be complete (if you do what has to be done.) Enjoy the visualisations, enjoy the path; purify yourself so that you follow the path to its end.

If you are into practicing awareness in dreams pratice seated meditation at least 2hs every day and try out a cup of Mugwort tea before bed for this helps with dreaming lucidly.

Go all the way, my friend! You shall surley be victorious and complete your knowledge.
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#5 Posted : 1/24/2020 9:27:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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FranLover this seems to be exactly the starting road I’d hoped to find in a spiritual sense. The Anapanasati methods seem to be exactly what I have already been doing most of my life to manage anxiety and emotional turmoil and am very grateful for the opportunity to refine the practice. Admittedly I rarely pass the half hour mark. I’m very happy to have a guide with more than just generalizations I am charged for so thank you. The writings themselves will probably take me some time to get through but I will there are many answers I still need hopefully I will find some here. It’s difficult for me to sift through the limitless information the internet has to offer when everything has completely foreign names to me. So many things that end up just being what you want to hear... thank you for a direction to explore. Must be a reason I run into you in every thread I pluck Big grin
#6 Posted : 1/26/2020 3:05:57 PM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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Location: I see you Mara
Swarra wrote:
thank you for a direction to explore. Must be a reason I run into you in every thread I pluck Big grin

Thank you Smile thats interesting, do you have any thoughts on destiny?
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#7 Posted : 1/26/2020 3:51:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 19
Joined: 26-Oct-2019
Last visit: 16-Jul-2020
I try not to lol
Destiny or no I still have to find my path
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