a solid vapohuasca journey for me has a peak of about an hour. should you decide to end it there, you would still feel the effects (kinda like a mild mushroom journey) for about another hour...DO KEEP IN MIND, HOWEVER- my oral MAOI is a large mug of STRONG caapi brew. extremely potent aya-strength yage...
HOWEVER- i have found GREAT benefit in taking another breakthrough dose of vaporized spice immediately upon returning from this first deep journey....this second breakthrough is the deepest and, at the same time, most "workwithable" you will ever have. it is were my most profound contact has been made and where the deepest applicable lessons are learned. i cannot recommend doing it this way highly enough.
so- for me- i have several VG's...i just load up two with breakthrough amounts so i don't even have to move when i come back and relaunch....you could just as easily load up a "double dose" in your device so your second journey is as easy to access as possible. minimal time in THIS world between launches seems to be the best in my opinion...
hope that helps! many beautiful journeys to you

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."