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Are we 4d beings?? Options
#21 Posted : 1/1/2010 5:08:12 PM
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Mr_DMT wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
who said anything about only believing in 4 dimensions?

Just becasue people have a discussion about 4d space doesnt mean that they are assuming that that is all there is..callig people foolish like that I think is not going to get you too far my friend.

You assume wrongly, i would call people foolish.
I had absolutely no intention in doing so.
If you like to play the victim role. Go on...

Well, i don't believe in any other dimensions, i would not see how someone could be foolish for not believing something that has no evidence to support its reality. I also don't think its foolish to think maybe there are other dimensions, but i do think its foolish to think you have all the answers, were you born with this gift?
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!

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#22 Posted : 1/1/2010 9:49:21 PM

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Well I could be wrong here, but I think quantum physics suggests that it is HIGHLY likely there are more than 4 dimensions, possibly several more. I think these dimensions are incredibly tiny however...not sure on all this though.
#23 Posted : 1/1/2010 11:57:24 PM

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Cheeto wrote:
Mr_DMT wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
who said anything about only believing in 4 dimensions?

Just becasue people have a discussion about 4d space doesnt mean that they are assuming that that is all there is..callig people foolish like that I think is not going to get you too far my friend.

You assume wrongly, i would call people foolish.
I had absolutely no intention in doing so.
If you like to play the victim role. Go on...

Well, i don't believe in any other dimensions, i would not see how someone could be foolish for not believing something that has no evidence to support its reality. I also don't think its foolish to think maybe there are other dimensions, but i do think its foolish to think you have all the answers, were you born with this gift?

i know nothing.
elusive illusion
#24 Posted : 1/2/2010 4:42:54 AM

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WSaged wrote:
soulman wrote:
So how do you feel about the people who say the 4th dimesion is time?
Like i say, i would argue that we sort of can percieve time, so are we sort of 5d beings, or does it not count as we cannot percive it as something solid which makes up our reality.
Man this is a head trip!

We experience only one sliver..or slice of time at any single moment, so it creates & defines a boundary to our reality, thus we can not truly perceive it for what it is as a whole...only slices of it.
The same way a 2-dimensional being can not truly perceive of us (as 3-dimensional), but only slices of whatever part of the 3-dimensional object is passing through the 2-dimensional plane.

Think of an apple passing though a flat piece of paper, from top to bottom...When the apple is resting on the top of the paper, a 2-D flat being on the paper, could only see 4 circular things...the 4 bottom "feet" of the apple.
Then as the apple begins to pass down through the flat paper, the 2-D being would see the 4 circles grow wider & wider, until they formed together, into one large circle & it would continue to change size & relative shape as the apple passes through the paper.
Until the circle seen in 2-D started to get smaller again & as the top of the apple passes through the paper, the flat circle would suddenly jump to a tiny dot as the stem passes through...then the apple would seem to disappear out of that 2-D, flat plane, as it ended up completely in the other side of the paper.

Now think of each moment we witness in time throughout our lives, as one slice of time.
(Exactly like a flip-book cartoon...or even film for a movie...when played together they look like seamless motion.)
Time as one whole thing...from your birth, to your death.
You are a 3-dimensional being & time...as a 4th Dimensional object is passing through your reality all around you but you are only able to perceive it one slice...or frame...at a moment.

Exactly like the 2-D being on the paper experiencing only flat slices of the 3-D apple, as it passed through his 2-D reality. He could never see the apple for what it truly was.

Another good example:
Imagine a flat being, moving along the surface of a giant round planet.
He can not see that the planet is round, & as he move forward, he thinks he is moving along a flat plane.
But he never reaches an edge & if he keeps moving forward long enough, he will end up back wear he started!

Because of it's size & his relation to it, he can not see that the planet is round...only that it is flat...but he can think about it & figure out that there is a dimension beyond his own, that is shaping the reality of his 2 dimensions.
The 3rd dimension is taking his flat circle & pushing depth into it, creating a sphere.
But the 2-D being can't see that 3rd dimension for what it is, because it is part of what is creating & shaping the boundary's of his reality...it's beyond him.

Time is exactly the same to us as 3rd dimensional beings!!
Time creates & shapes the boundary's of our 3-D reality...so we can't see it for what it truly is as a whole, we can only think about it & figure out that there is a dimension beyond ours that is creating & shaping the boundaries our this one!

A 3-D cube is a square (2-D's) with right angles to itself making it a 3-D square...a cube.
A 4-D cube (a Tesseract is only a shadow of this 4-d object) is a cube moving in a direction at right angles to itself.

Here is a video showing how this could work.
Here is another good one! Part 1 Part 2

So time seems to be a component of the 4th dimension, as motion over time would allow a 3-d object to have right angles to itself.

Also interesting, is that a 3-D object will cast a 2-D shadow & a 2-D object will cast a 1-D shadow. (try it!)
So it is logical to think that a 4-D object would actually cast a 3-D shadow!!


Interesting post thanks WS

Mr_DMT wrote:
There are more bodies and more dimensions we are contained in.
Don't be foolish to believe in only 4 dimensions.

This is merely a discussion. No ones claiming to know the ultimate truth of our dimensionality..there is no need for this

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#25 Posted : 1/3/2010 2:03:07 PM
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Bancopuma wrote:
Well I could be wrong here, but I think quantum physics suggests that it is HIGHLY likely there are more than 4 dimensions, possibly several more. I think these dimensions are incredibly tiny however...not sure on all this though.

I thought that the other dimension's were part of theories, not physics. I Thought i heard that the reason its even in theory is to attempt to explain why gravity is alot weaker than the other 3 forces. If its proved to be true i will believe it, but so far i'm sure its only theory, i truly don't understand why they assume its supose to be equal to the other forces, its not like they are equal to eachother, they are close in strenght, but none of them are really equal, so why would gravity have to be about the same? For not knowing why its soo much less in strenght, they theories that the particles which cause gravity must do work in other dimensions, passing through many different dimension that are everywhere, small and curled up little dimensions. If they have more evidence than an asummption that gravity should be equal to the other forces i would love to hear it. This is the only thing i've heard that would even suggest other dimensions, and from the information i have learned on it. I haven't read the theories though, i admit, sometimes things don't look right until someone offers another peice of evidence to back it up, is there anyother things that suggest other dimensions, other than gravity needing to be equal to other forces?
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#26 Posted : 1/4/2010 9:01:23 AM

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Big D said
Don't take me by the word, i'm as naive as you!

I said no we do not and no we are not.

#27 Posted : 1/16/2010 3:46:31 AM

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As far as I know they dont think that gravity is as strong as the other forces or that they are equal but gravity is the only force that cannot be mathmatically linked to the other forces yet. They have not proved the existence of gravitons as a particle. I correct myself. Gravity has been linked in string theory but it is still early in the piece for string theory and a lot more work has to be done. Check out a book by Paul Davies called the goldilocks enigma. He goes right into it all from the big bang through quantam physics and string theory. It is a great read.
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