"Intergalactic sorting standards for cosmological entropy compliance"
Within the milky way, some stellar clusters are denser than others, and some galaxies are more massive than others as well. Depending on the remoteness and scarcity of resources in one's region, the probability of making a leap to a higher entropy place, and life expectancy for example, one can try to spend more or less time to optimize planetary computers so that sorting processes are less and less wasteful. This could encourage observing, more evolved entities, to engage in respectful conversation.
Sorting is a purely mathematical concept, although computational systems involving electronic technologies are currently used on earth. Different
data or data structures can be better suited for one or an other
sorting algorithm.
A hyper-advanced race of intergalactic aspirations will have to be very aware of the tinyest changes in their body's energy level, even if paradoxically that also can mean becoming smaller and smaller, not necessarily expanding exponentially.