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Refreshed, Returned and Ready to do it again... Options
#1 Posted : 1/3/2020 3:36:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 25
Joined: 18-Nov-2017
Last visit: 13-Jan-2020
Location: Arizona
Hello all,

I've been here before...and laid out my story then. Since it's been so long...it appears time for a new story. I guess in a way this is very therapeutic Thumbs up . I've had many different experiences in my distant past (shrooms, lsd, etc.--high school boredom), as well as many recent ones with the lovely San Pedro family of plants.

Truth is, I learned so much from my recent experiences--that I have decided to do it again. At least, that's why I've returned to Nexus. My last experience was a year ago and it actually destroyed my desire for tobacco as a daily need. Now I can occasionally have a cigarillo or cigarette with no desire to do it again later. In fact, I tend to put it out after a few puffs. Crazy how the plant taught me what addiction is...Shocked .

I still satiate the need occasionally though, since my shadow has made it clear that he needs a little bit of a vice--and alcohol was removed years ago. The plant also showed me a lot of myself I locked up...now we can have fun together. Anywho...

Luckily, I have found fun in exploring plant medicine like Marijuana, Kava, ashwaghanda,Lion's Mane and all mushrooms,etc. too...

I guess I've found such beauty in plant medicine that I've thrown away my previous attachment to the western medical establishment. San Pedro taught me this too (big surprise at this point I imagine). For what it's worth to those of you searching...it can heal you if you let it. It broke my desire for opiods, tobacco, alcohol and other crap I was beginning to consider trying. It treated the whole not the symptoms...it taught me the why, 100X deeper than I thought why could go.

It has also helped me fix my body. I've had around 7 total invasive surgeries now--37 years old. 2 that for all intensive purposes could be considered failures. At one point I was paralyzed from my left quad down to my foot. Took me a long time to relearn how to walk--much less live. Now, I'm limitless...Cool , it's amazing what an effect the mind has on the body. Father Pedro taught me that too...

Moving on, I find myself in a very powerful place...mojo returned to me, so to speak. Thus, it is time to see what the universe has in store for me...and maybe heal a few more things I'm oblivious too...Twisted Evil . This is why I turn to San Pedro. For me, the synergy of the plant and my vibrations are fine tuned--so, as Terrance McKenna would proclaim--CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SYMBIOSIS!

However, this time--my girlfriend is coming along. It has been a year since she took a very low dosage of the plant medicine and cleared a HUGE psychological barrier between her and mother. There relationship seems to be blossoming lately...

I'm so blown away by the beauty of her growth and the amount of blooming she did...that again, the plant called to me (literally, I'm growing a couple of bridgesii's--I may be in love with this plant).

So, now we venture forth like good little psychonauts...wish us luck. We shall return with lessons and story. We shall drink wine and laugh together...holding hands around the fire. I can see the flames happily dancing now. Dancing and laughing...hopefully a little foreshadowing.Rolling eyes

Much Love,

Everything I say is complete nonsense...I am an internet troll looking for attention.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 1/4/2020 9:43:36 AM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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Congratulations on your symbiosis.

Its fantastic what the cactus did for you. Or rather, what you did for yourself (with a little help from the cactus.)

Any one cig can be the one that gets you hooked again (administration of an addictive substance leads to physical dependence), so thats my advice for the quitting tobacco thing. I suffered with quitting for a long time. I was quitting every day, failing some time later, and persevered like this month after month, but it was only after 2 experiences with Bridgesii that I made the quit attempt which stuck. I dont know how it does it, but it does teach about the nature of addiction and attachment to sense impulses. And it urges you to be better?

Any visions or part of the experiences which have stood out?

A flower for you, buddah to be 🌸
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#3 Posted : 1/4/2020 4:19:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I love flowers...thank you! I gotta figure out how to do that now...Embarrased

Yes, I had a few visions...but what really stood out was the way the plant was prepared. It seemed to me during my trip that the tobacco was in pain...abused really. It just didn't feel right anymore...like I was a greedy sloppy meat bag, puffing on plants--believing my place in the universe was more important.

That vision/feel taught me deep down inside where words don't form...what addiction is. Utter disrespect and disregard for the gift of life. Every being and non being has a relationship...it was time to stop destroying the mountains in front of me, and allow them to lift me up instead. This is what they refer to as the middle way...since we're throwing buddha into this mess.

So, now I respectfully cultivate plants of my own...sharing this rare gift to cultivate life...and when it is time, the plant will share itself with me. But only after it has been showered with the love and respect of our greatest ancestory. Anywho...the beauties have arrived. We have much to do...


Everything I say is complete nonsense...I am an internet troll looking for attention.
Grey Fox
#4 Posted : 1/5/2020 3:04:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 14-Oct-2018
Last visit: 13-Aug-2024
Welcome back to the Nexus D2J! Please tell us more about your experiences with San Pedro. I hope that the upcoming journey with your girlfriend is a great one. Please stick around and share your knowledge with the community.

#5 Posted : 1/5/2020 4:49:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Arizona
Thanks Grey Fox! I'll gen up a full trip report for the cacti lovers soon...but until then:

Well, my heroic girlfriend consumed her brew last night...mostly out of excitement...and right out of the pot folks. Peruvian style...she's so cool! Hidden in such an unsuspecting package--the theme of this message apparently.

The quick and short of it...San Pedro showered her in love. It reminded me of my first experience actually, by the lake--Father Pedro holding me under his arm, a gentle smile curving into his eyebrows--yeah, he's amazing.

Well, the buckets of tears shed last night proves that he's still got it. I think in the 100-150mg range (2, 12" 3D cuts of Pach)--the 3,4 D. really gives that MDMA vibe...but as the doses go up--it seems like that part of the plant is more of a sedative really. As though you needed to be calm before you cross the threshold and zip through the wormholes. Elegance at it's absolute pinnacle...

Of note: I took what she couldn't finish as any good trip sitter should (imho)...and the love vibe was heavy. There were moments where we connected in separate rooms...think "care bare stare". More intense that any MDMA experience I've had. We both heard each other crying and it was a true moment locked in eternity...at least in this lifetime. Love

In fact, the more I think about how much love this plant gives to travelers that consume it...I must say, I think that is what the game is about. I find it interesting that love comes in such a disguised package too--again, the theme.

But, anyone who knows...would tell you, "that's the game my friend".

My brew (not pach's) sits syruppy...and I mean syyyyyyrrrrrruuuuupppppy in the fridge--decanting, "chilling"...haha. It looks so dark, so ominous. This will be the heroic dose I've been building up to I guess. Again, such happiness and gifts--through such dark means.

Much love everyone...Father Pedro says hello.
Everything I say is complete nonsense...I am an internet troll looking for attention.
Grey Fox
#6 Posted : 1/5/2020 9:44:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 613
Joined: 14-Oct-2018
Last visit: 13-Aug-2024
Good to hear that she had such a positive experience. I hope that your tea turns out as strong as you hope for. When you say "not pach's" do you mean that the tea is made from species other than Pachanoi? A high dose cactus trip can be very intense, especially with Bridgesii. Have a safe journey.
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