Cactus Man wrote:GET OUT THE TINFOIL HATS!!!
...I don't know well English, so I can call myself ignorant. I can call myself ignorant for everything I don't know yet
xss27 wrote:
The frequency is important too I think. We're bathed in all sorts of frequencies and radiations, but unless it resonates with something in our physiology then it's not going to do anything unless the power levels are really high...
Our oganism has its own vibrational state, in detail (each atom) and overall (the whole body).
The comforts we have are not to be eliminated, but it would be good to understand that we should use the goods that lead us to such acts with more conscience.
What surrounds us is saturated with vibrations/radiations, so the harmfulness for me is certain.
To obtain energy (the workforce) we use, for example, the burning of carbon derivatives.
This could be supplanted by the burning of metals and/or minerals. Just think of a mixture of aluminum and iron oxide, which during the development of heat do not give rise to carbon fumes.
Getting the tinfoil, or obtaining aluminum requires a lot of workforce (energy), so this system would temporarily not be usable.
But let's think about vibrations. Each structure has a certain vibrational state (as with the example of our body) and one could understand how to transform the attraction between atoms into repulsion.
Using harmonic oscillations of frequencies we might think that matter would be reduced to dust if properly stimulated.
However, we should understand better the matter.
What I'm asking is whether she's alive or not. In my opinion, we are not surrounded and composed fron non-intelligent bricks.
xss27 wrote:bismillah wrote:Much more likely that's because of:
-lack of urban noise
-less artificial light
-cleaner air (less exposure to free radicals, such as ozone)
-calm atmosphere, lack of stress from work, etc.
All legitimate factors but I don't think it was those. I've been in other places where there were similarly less/no stress factors compared to my home but it didn't give the same quality of sleep. Still better, but not that ultra deep revitalising sleep.
Using dmt or dmt activators every day I noticed that I have less need to sleep, I attribute this speed in recharging to the possibility that such substances absorb impurities classified as smog and electromagnetic smog. If the cells are not disturbed in their duties (not even by us sleeping), they have the opportunity to operate very well.
Exposure to electromagnetic fields could be thought to lead to an increase in endogenous dmt production. etc...