I want to follow up with a curiosity of my own.
I have recently experimented with a single dose of 20mg dextromethorphan HBr, and had the surprise of discovering a physical sensation not unfamiliar to me. The sensation is similar as far as I can remember to the T+20m (minutes) and T+1h20m of a 100 microgram LSD or 1P-LSD dose. It is also similar to a physical sensation of smoked DMT. I'd describe it as the feeling one gets when he/she slips on a thin sheet of ice, in the instant of experiencing shock and losing balance and orientation. Also, the feeling when one is drinking water for a long enough time to have to stop gasping for air, the sensation while gasping feels like that.
After researching the receptor affinity spectrum of the compound, I noticed the Adrenergic receptors alpha-1 and alpha-2 affinity. I have yet to try ephedrine or epinephrine/norepinephrine to see what I'd discover, but after drinking an unusual number of two coffees in a row, I noticed a sensation very similar to the dextromethorphan experience.
Please note that the dextromethorphan produced the physical sensation I'm trying to correlate with the adrenergic receptors for a period of about one day, with the sensation being present even after a good night's sleep.
I hope to gain insights into my brain's perception of epinephrine and/or adrenergic activity, to better understand myself.
After a few days of slowly searching and integrating new neurochemical knowledge I found the following papers of relevance:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih...pmc/articles/PMC4208734/ Cross interaction of dopaminergic and adrenergic systems in neural modulation
https://pubs.acs.org/doi...021/acschemneuro.9b00073 Serotonin Regulation of the Prefrontal Cortex: Cognitive Relevance and the Impact of Developmental Perturbation