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re: cold jurema tea Options
#1 Posted : 12/15/2019 2:03:27 PM

My Personalized Tag

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Last visit: 17-Apr-2024
So, I tried the cold mimosa tea idea.

What I did:
25g of powdered mhrb was placed in a jar with 125mL of water, shaken, and left for 24 hours.
The resulting sludge was passed through a coffee filter three times to remove any mimosa sand from the drink.

I then drank the brew in the evening having had 3g of crushed Syrian rue seeds 20 minutes in advance. Not gonna lie, the mouthfeel was pretty horrible, but with honey added, the drink wasn't even that bad. There was almost no trip to speak of, though. After 40 minutes, mild tribal patterns would emerge from my ceiling and everything was mildly technicolor-ish. There was no feeling of a high or any body load, aside from the feeling of my stomach slowly being tanned into leather. A barely threshold experience.

That story on erowid about leaving bark to soak for just one hour in a jar of water is total bunk. I can't imagine you would feel anything except mild stomach grumpiness after that. But, my little experiment shows that the idea does still work. I imagine if you added some lemon to the jar and let it sit for a week or more, you could actually be left with a potent brew.

Probably not a surprise to many of you, but that's how I spent my Saturday night. Cheers!

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Homo Trypens
#2 Posted : 12/15/2019 4:51:07 PM

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Saturdays for science! Smile

Full disclosure: I am new to oral dosing. What I say here is based mostly on reading other threads.

Assuming 1-2% in the bark and 30% of that in your cold tea, you'd be in the 80-170mg dmt range, which should be enough if not too much.

The rue on the other hand sounds a bit low. If your rue had 5% (optimistic), 3g amounts to 150mg, which is sufficient for some but too low for many. From threads on pharma I gather that it's also better to take harmalas with the dmt.

Next time I'd try 3g rue 20min in advance, then another 2g rue with the tea.

It would also be super interesting to make 4+ teas with identical amounts of same batch bark, let them sit different times - eg. 1h, 4h, 24h, 72h - then extract alkaloids from each to measure dmt dissolution timeline in cold mimosa tea for future reference.
#3 Posted : 12/15/2019 5:22:49 PM

My Personalized Tag

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Admittedly eating rue seeds is a pretty terrible way of administering harmalas. Even if the dose was high enough (150 mg should be plenty) that's assuming your stomach can actually digest all of it fast enough.
Haven't gotten around to an extraction, though.

My tea was unlikely to have contained more than 50 mg of DMT... I would have felt it otherwise Big grin

For this method, I think 7 days would be needed at least for a good tea if you don't acidify or heat the brew. Good if you don't have time for a boil and just want to leave your goods to ferment whilst you do other things.
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#4 Posted : 12/15/2019 7:12:36 PM
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Make sure the Rue seed is ground up into a powder, preferably using a coffee grinder. Make sure the Rue dosage is 3 to 4.5 grams, 4 to 4.5 grams of Rue is pretty strong.

As for the Mimosa tea, ime i weigh out a dosage of Mimosa, put it into a jar with room temp or cold water, put the lid on, shake it vigorously periodically throughout the day and let it sit overnight, then next day filter it through a coffee filter and it's good to go.

Dose the Rue, wait 30 minutes to an hour, preferably an hour, at least ime an hour apart works great with Rue seed powder capsules and freebased Rue/Harmala extract capsules, and then dose the Mimosa. If the Mimosa doesn't work, it's because gut MAO-A isn't inhibited, so finding the right timing between the Rue and Mimosa is important, taking them at the same time is likely to be quite inconsistent.
#5 Posted : 12/15/2019 9:05:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Those quick cook time frames as one hour maximum aren't good, or do 3 X 1 hour minimum to your mimosa and rue seeds powdered
I never done them togetherthis way but brewed rue was pretty nice, if you wanna do cold temp brew how uch isthe room temp and I would let it sit far longer than anhour more few days with generous shakings, passing through coffee aeropress, prollly few ruonds of fresh and clean stream or distilled water... 5 days with daily shakings miniumum I would say. glass jars in dark room...ambient is better than cold to extract faster, as heat til 80°C is optimum for few hours already total three pulls of one hour each...
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
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