I have done about a dozen MHRB extraction over the past few months using a STB tek with Xylene. Plus backsalting and mini-a/b.
I had some assistance from a few members here working out the details but now that I’ve got firmer grasp on things I’d like to open up to criticism and review and hopefully get some tips...
I plan to add pictures of different steps in the next day or two whenever I can get them uploaded as well as add more information, I’m just in a good mindset to type it all out right now.
Here goes:
1. Add 500ml distilled water to a 2L bottle.
2. Stir in 100g NaOH
3. Stir in 100g MHRB
4. Close and shake to shit
5. Let sit 24 hours during which, it will be placed into a 70C degree heat bath for 8 hours minimum and shaken many times throughout that time
6. Add 1000ml more distilled water
7. Add 100ml Xylene
8. Close and mix. I actually mix pretty hard.
9. Let sit in 70C heat bath for an hour, mixing/shaking at least 3 times during
10. Pull the Xylene layer.
(Depending on the time, I’ll either go ahead and backsalt/mini-a/b this pull and use the Xylene from it to next pull, or just add more Xylene)
11. But anyways, I do 3 pulls total.
Each pull is process separately right now so that I can get more accurate measurements of what I’m doing.
12. Heat the Xylene pull being processed to 70C
13. Add distilled water in the amount of 1/4 the amount of Xylene that was pulled.
14. Maintain heat at 70C+ as much as possible.
15. Add 2.5ml 3.2% HCl solution. (This amount was determined ahead of time and I’ll add a link to that later.
16. Stir vigorously and keep heated over 70C
17. Test pH of water layer. If above 5, repeat step 15&16
(A pH below 5 indicates that all of the DMT has moved into the water layer. It’s also now in salt form.)
18. Once pH is 5 or just below, pull water layer into a separate vessel. Xylene can be saved for future pulls.
19. Heat the aqueous layer to 70C+
20. Add a small amount of NaOH solution until pH is over 13 (Causes freebase DMT to crash out of the aqueous layer)
21. Add HOT heptane that has been heated over 70C
22. Stir vigorously and keep heated.
23. Eventually the heptane will turn dark orange.
24. Use separatory funnel and pour the heptane/water mix into it.
25. Put funnel in heat bath to assure that crystals don’t stick to the inside of the funnel (can also run under hot tap, or pour hot heptane through it first, or heat it up before putting anything in it.)
26. Allow water to go into separate vessel.
27. Pour heptane into a vessel that will be filled about 80% with the heptane in it.
28. At this point the hot plate and pots of water I’ve been using to keep stuff heated is cooling down so I let the DMT filled heptanesit in there as it cools in order to allow the darker alkaloids to precipitate first.
29. Once the heptane has lightened some, all the red impurities are sucked out or the heptane is poured off into another container.
30. This is repeated at room temperature until it seems all the orange crystals have settled in the bottom
NOTE: I’ve also kept the heptane container open and been allowing it to evap a bit while doing this part.
31. The remaining heptane is covered and put in the freezer overnight
32. Next morning the heptane in poured off and crystals are weighed and collected.
I’m going to post more details on my crystallization And yeilds as I take more notes about my current batch so I can give the most up to date specifics. Crystallization is a part of it that I really feel I’m fucking up and could be doing much more effectively.
Currently I’m yielding around 2% total including the orange, yellow, and white portions.
I’ve been fiddling with different times, amounts shaken, and heats to see how the results are but unfortunately my note taking has been somewhat spotty in the past...
Anyways. Please anyone with knowledge of any aspect of this chime in with questions or suggestions on how I might so better