Hi everyone, I'm really happy to be here.
I'm a member of a few other sites, but this one has always stood to me out for both the high level of discussions that take place here, the high caliber of the members and especially the unrestricted discussions.
A little background about me... I've very familiar with cannabis and concentrates and extracts.
I'm also pretty well versed in experienced with mushrooms and psilocybin.
Due to several personal experiences, I am a very firm believer in the healing and medicinal properties of certain plants and fungi.
I hope it's not oversharing, but to give you some perspective, I'm a fan of endurance sports- bike riding, running, hiking etc... but due to crappy genetics (and an unknown family medical history), I suffered 3 fatal heart attacks in 1 day, and woke up from a coma 3 weeks later, strapped to a hospital bed with a ventilator tube shoved down my throat. With a lot of hard work, I was able to walk again and don't seem to have tooo many lasting problems (other than anxiety and some PTSD issues that have improved with time (and self-therapy). I think this gives me a bit of a unique perspective.
So, technically I wad dead for several weeks, and wasn't expected to live, and if I did, they expected me to still be somewhat incapacitated.
But with hard work, I've made almost a full recovery.
That being said, I believe from the bottom of my heart, that my previous psychedelic experiences had pretty well removed my fear of death, and I think it added greatly in my recovery,
I feel there is ENORMOUS potential to help people that are nearing the end of life, or have PTSD. No law will every change my mind or my actions. I'm on a mission!
I'm almost more interested in ensuring that other people have access to medicinal plants and fungi, than I am in doing extractions for my personal use.
I want to ensure that shamans and healers have access to the tools they need to heal people.
I have a green thumb and am interested in all kinds of ethnobotanicals.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to use my skills and talents to benefit the community at large.
Tell me what you want to grow and I'll help figure out how to make it easy(er) for everyone to cultivate. McKenna called psilocybin. "the peoples psychedelic' and I thing that's an apt description- easy to produce, non-toxic and affordable and also very easy for people that want to produce their own.
I'm also eager to explore the renewed interest in DMT, LSA, salvia, ayahuasca , sacred cacti and any other healing plants.
Soooooo, after that run on TMI introduction, I'll summarize by saying that I'm happy to be here in a group of high level thinkers that are trying to spread love and reduce harm.
Thanks for having me!