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#281 Posted : 11/15/2019 9:32:22 PM
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My mesh vandy vape rda arrived today. I think my Voopoo drag 2 sets tcr automatically. I am using the ss 150 that came with it right now and it seems that my mod put it to .18 ohms automatically which i do not think is right. I think the temperature is right but i think the preset should be .9 ohms. I also dont have an option to set max wattage with my voopoo. I checked the lowest temperature that i could see any light in a dark room and it showed to be 207 celsius. Do you think that would be the best temp to vape it at?

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#282 Posted : 11/15/2019 9:35:56 PM

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0.18 sounds ok. The mesh resistance is 0.9 ohm per ft.

Sounds good to me, think you got it. Give it a try 🚀


#283 Posted : 11/15/2019 11:40:33 PM
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My Mod keeps switching ohms which makes it glow in dark at different temps
#284 Posted : 11/16/2019 1:22:45 AM

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Ohm is supposed to rise with temperature.
#285 Posted : 11/16/2019 2:16:16 AM
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I havn’t used it yet but my friend did. It was with the voopoo drag 2. The ohm was set at .2 and 208 degrees. I do not have a new drip tip yet so had to use the one that comes with it. The first time he inhaled it and coughed everything right out because he was not ready for such dense vapor to come out so quick. The next one i closed the airflow 3/4 and he got all hits in. But he did not breakthrough. The mesh was close to flat but not exactly flat. What do u think was the problem? He used 30 mg for both
#286 Posted : 11/16/2019 4:33:43 AM

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Hey mate. I have a voopoo drag 2 mini. Lower the temp to 180c and use 20W - Pulse 5 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off - by this time you should have cleared everything (although 3 on again wouldn't hurt) Or use Fit setting 2 at the same temp. Hold fire for 6 seconds and away you go. The first time I tried 220c, I nearly choked myself out. Scary. Burnt spice. 180c is good.

Oh yeah, the first 2 times I didn't break through either. However, I've been exploring the universe 5 times since. Without scales, my rough guide is add enough spice to completely cover the mesh. Bob's your uncle.
#287 Posted : 11/17/2019 8:12:46 AM
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Lindsay are you using the 150 316l mesh? What ohms is it showing when you have the mesh in the rda? I did what Propello recommended and found the first temperature that i saw a faint glow in the dark. This was 207 celcius but used 208 celsius and the voopoo read it at .2 ohms. I think I am going to wait to try it utnill I receive my 100 micron mesh and my transparent drip tip in the mail. Something that was unexpected was i was melting the spice into the mesh at 105 celsius and it was creating vapor. That shouldnt happen at that temperature so maybe the temperature control is off
#288 Posted : 11/17/2019 9:31:23 AM

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mattw1994 wrote:
I havn’t used it yet but my friend did. It was with the voopoo drag 2. The ohm was set at .2 and 208 degrees. I do not have a new drip tip yet so had to use the one that comes with it. The first time he inhaled it and coughed everything right out because he was not ready for such dense vapor to come out so quick. The next one i closed the airflow 3/4 and he got all hits in. But he did not breakthrough. The mesh was close to flat but not exactly flat. What do u think was the problem? He used 30 mg for both

You can lower the wattage if the vapor us too dense, and take an extra hit if necessary. If you didn't get any burnt taste or smell, you are ok.

Really weird your friend didn't breakthrough on 30mg. Did he hold it in for at least 20 seconds?

Was all the spice evaporated afterwards?
#289 Posted : 11/17/2019 9:35:11 AM

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mattw1994 wrote:
Lindsay are you using the 150 316l mesh? What ohms is it showing when you have the mesh in the rda? I did what Propello recommended and found the first temperature that i saw a faint glow in the dark. This was 207 celcius but used 208 celsius and the voopoo read it at .2 ohms. I think I am going to wait to try it utnill I receive my 100 micron mesh and my transparent drip tip in the mail. Something that was unexpected was i was melting the spice into the mesh at 105 celsius and it was creating vapor. That shouldnt happen at that temperature so maybe the temperature control is off

When you melt the spice, only use as short clicks as possible. Weird that it vaporizes at such a low temperature though.
#290 Posted : 11/17/2019 9:41:21 AM

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Hi Lindsay

No need for Morse coding the fire button when hitting in temp mode if you got the right settings.

Max 20w is too low. At least 30w in my opinion.

#291 Posted : 11/17/2019 4:52:18 PM

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Thanks. I'll stick with Fit setting #2 (Flavour set) and not pulse. I'm using SS316L mesh. What Ohm?.22
#292 Posted : 11/17/2019 6:08:18 PM

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Propello and some one. I think this thread and the way you guys are helping everyone learn about this roa is very cool. I admire your devotion.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

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#293 Posted : 11/17/2019 11:09:02 PM

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Lindsay2260 wrote:
Thanks. I'll stick with Fit setting #2 (Flavour set) and not pulse. I'm using SS316L mesh. What Ohm?.22

0.22 sounds good. Does the mesh glow in a dark room when you press fire?
#294 Posted : 11/17/2019 11:12:04 PM

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Thanks for that Tony6 Very happy
#295 Posted : 11/17/2019 11:42:28 PM

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Sure does. Thanks.
some one
#296 Posted : 11/18/2019 1:40:19 AM

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I’m really sorry! I mean, you guys are helping a lot and I still find a way to come back and ask for more/the same thing. I decided not to quote, to make it easier to read, but I am mainly replying to Propello and some one who have been helping pretty much everybody here.

No problem we're here to help and like Prop says don't give up (temp mode) yet.

—> Protection. So the temp is never reached.

(I never get the « protection » on wattage mode)

For a second, I thought the "coil" thing was the problem (as it's "mesh" not "coil" ) but 1) I can't change the "coil", there's a lock when you want to change it and 2) I saw on some one picture that your modbox displayed "coil" as well.

The protection is only displayed in temp mode, not in wattage mode, because protection means reduced wattage to not bypass the temp you inserted. Strange that you don't reach the set temp. I think you should reset the coil resistance (ohm) base measurement, like Prop suggested. The temp control is based on this measurement. The lock you see, that means resistance is currently locked. You should unlock, let the device measure the correct resistance of your current mesh at room temp, lock again. Refer to the manual how. Or let Prop know if you can't manage (he has the same mod). Each time you change coil (mesh) you need to reset the ohm measurement.

Another thing you can check is that your mesh is not touching the sides of the RDA holes, nor the bottom. Trim it narrow enough and make sure it hangs in the air before you screw it. Cut a new mesh, or for the sake of trying insert the small SS mesh strip which came with your VV mesh RDA. What resistance (ohm) does your modbox measure after unlock ohm, reset, lock? Make sure not to bend sharp corners. Does it reach the temp with this mesh now? If not try a different modbox. Maybe at a shop if you don't own another one. If that one works maybe ship your current modbox back for a replacement?
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#297 Posted : 11/18/2019 2:33:32 AM

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Lindsay2260 & mattw1994:

I think my Voopoo drag 2 sets tcr automatically.

Asking for help gets difficult if the actual settings of your device are hidden behind a device specific preset. Check if manual TCR mode is available. Refer to your modbox manual. Or experiment and see what works.

I think the temperature is right but i think the preset should be .9 ohms.

The ohms isn't a preset, but the resistance your modbox measures your mesh to be, see post above.

Note for everyone: resistance is measured at room temp. Disregard the resistance change during powering. When talking about coil (mesh) resistance, refer to room temp resistance only. The VandyVape SS316L 150 mesh rol (cut to a short length to fit in the original VandyVape RDA cap) should measure a resistance between 0.20 - 0.25 ohm. If I remember correctly my 7cm long 150 mesh measures around 0.40 ohm.

I havn’t used it yet but my friend did. It was with the voopoo drag 2. The ohm was set at .2 and 208 degrees. I do not have a new drip tip yet so had to use the one that comes with it. The first time he inhaled it and coughed everything right out because he was not ready for such dense vapor to come out so quick.

Which TCR are you using? What max wattage (limit) did you set?

I have a voopoo drag 2 mini. Lower the temp to 180c and use 20W - Pulse 5 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off - by this time you should have cleared everything (although 3 on again wouldn't hurt) Or use Fit setting 2 at the same temp. Hold fire for 6 seconds and away you go. The first time I tried 220c, I nearly choked myself out. Scary. Burnt spice. 180c is good.

In TC mode did you select SS (steel)? If so your mods SS preset TCR could be wrong. If the TCR is wrong the measured temp displayed could be lower than the actual temp and your spice will burn at "220 C" (in this case its not really 220 C but higher). Change TCR manually or lower temp, either option will do the trick.

I'll stick with Fit setting #2 (Flavour set) and not pulse. I'm using SS316L mesh. What Ohm?.22

"Fit setting #2" is a device specific preset. It might work, but complicates our discussion.
Just to be sure: if you ask what ohm thinking you need set the ohm yourself, see post above.


The thing is everyone could experiment using 50 different settings on 100 different devices. Each of us could find a sweat spot. Sure. But this is not optimal for discussion and will lead to 50 extra post pages. Instead we should standardize. First try the agreed upon devices and settings. Report back if these settings work, if you optimized further, or use something else with success.

Standardized settings
Mode: Temperature control with manual TCR
Temp: 210 C
Max Watt: 35W
TCR: 090-110 TCR for SS316, or 140-150 TCR for SS304

We are one page further talking about device specific presets with unknown TCR's.

Preferably set your TCR manually.

Thumbs up
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#298 Posted : 11/18/2019 2:55:05 AM

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Tony6Strings wrote:
Propello and some one. I think this thread and the way you guys are helping everyone learn about this roa is very cool. I admire your devotion.

Thanks Tony. This method is the best way to vape yet, that's why haha.

I appreciate everyone's input, try-outs and questions, leading to better data and info how to use this roa.
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#299 Posted : 11/19/2019 12:10:17 AM
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Tried this method for the first time after receiving my drip tip. Put in about 33 mg and broke through and I didn't even finish it. This is my new favorite method because you only need 1 hit to blast off and it is so smooth. 207 degrees celsius and set it to 35 watts under temp control with my voopoo drag 2. I think before my drag 2 was set automatically to 76 watts under temperature control and I found out today how to change it. Only thing was I was nauseas in the trip when i was breaking through which happens occasionally when I smoke spice
#300 Posted : 11/19/2019 9:51:30 AM

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Thanks for your feedback Mattw. Glad to hear it worked out Smile
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