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My first post as an updated member! Options
#1 Posted : 12/29/2009 7:26:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 139
Joined: 10-Dec-2009
Last visit: 18-Sep-2016
Location: Canada
Hello everyone!

This is my first post as an officially updated member! I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the Traveler for creating this wonderful place, to thank the moderators for all their hard work keeping this a wonderful place, and to thank all my fellow Nexians, without you all, this would just be another boring empty space on the interweb! So thank you all immensely! I have learned so much here, and there is so much more for me to learn. I will also continue to help the newcomers in any way I can, as my way of giving back to the community that teaches me!

That is all. Have a great day everyone!


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 12/29/2009 8:21:30 PM


Posts: 134
Joined: 21-Aug-2009
Last visit: 31-Mar-2014
Location: in every atom of the universe
Hey psilyguy.

I'm relatively new to all this 'psychedelic stuff',so being a part of this website is a real treasure.This is a great place for me to learn and continue learning.
After my first few experiences i came here looking for answers,but have gained alot more.

There's some real deep shit on here that gets my grey matter working overtime.:idea:

Enjoy the ride dude !


"Love is life.All,everything that I understand,I understand only because I love."
#3 Posted : 12/29/2009 10:12:33 PM


Posts: 1210
Joined: 12-Mar-2009
Last visit: 23-Jun-2011
Location: here there and everywhere
yay! and you are quite deserving, congrats man! i too am very thankful for all of this, it saved my life.
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
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