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The process of setting an intention Options
#1 Posted : 11/9/2019 12:08:33 AM

"Psilocybin makes nicer people

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I've recently been presented with the opportunity to attend an ayahuasca ceremony, which will be my second time. I have felt like I am ready to drink again for a few months now, but I can't really pin down a good reason to.

This year there have been some really massive changes in my life, -married, finished studying, bought a house, landed a dream job. - I feel pretty content with life as it is. There are a few areas that could do with some attention, but I know what I need to do to make these changes, so I'm feeling a bit lost in how to set an intention for this ceremony.

My first ceremony in 2018 came at a really good time, there was a lot I wasn't feeling particularly good about and it really helped me to reframe and see some new perspectives. But this time I feel like I really can't figure out why I want to attend.

Has anyone else come across this predicament?
Has anyone got a good process for setting an intention?

Thanks Smile

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#2 Posted : 11/9/2019 3:49:57 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting perspective.
The opportunities for self improvement are infinite.
On occasions, I have gone into the experience with no set intention. In silence, eyes shut, and no distractions, I'm always dished up my own short comings and how I should improve things.
In fact, quite the opposite to your approach, I wait until everything is going well in life (addressed things from the last experience) before I'm happy to undertake the next experience.
Happy travels
#3 Posted : 11/10/2019 1:04:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm assuming you want to go? Make sure you're sure of that first.

My suggestion is to go in with the thought 'Give me what I need.'
#4 Posted : 11/10/2019 7:48:34 PM

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There were times I went with just the intention of open to receive what I needed to know & allow healing to be.
#5 Posted : 11/11/2019 12:26:27 AM

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I often notice, that I too have difficulty in finding a true intention.

In these cases, I simply do a light meditation or yoga stretch, relax my mind, and if I still feel the journey calling me, then I proceed with love in my mind/heart, while reminding myself that "letting go" will be an ally as I enter the unknown waters of my next trip.

I'm at a place now where I don't feel an intention is always necessary. As someone noted above, it tends to give you what you need, addressing shortcomings, and providing you with the tools to see how you can do things differently, or how you can stimulate growth in the various aspects of life/existence.

Love and Light and Travel Well.
All is the one....One is the all.

Math. Simple math looks infinite to me.
#6 Posted : 11/11/2019 3:35:40 AM

"Psilocybin makes nicer people

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Thanks for your insight guys.

Interesting perspective.
The opportunities for self improvement are infinite.
On occasions, I have gone into the experience with no set intention. In silence, eyes shut, and no distractions, I'm always dished up my own short comings and how I should improve things.
In fact, quite the opposite to your approach, I wait until everything is going well in life (addressed things from the last experience) before I'm happy to undertake the next experience.
Happy travels

Interesting perspective, seemingly the opposite of what I do. my approach is purely based on what I was firmly told before my first session, that was, an intention is essential, as it gives meaning and direction to the journey. But you seem to go the opposite way and allow the drink to take you in whatever direction.


I'm assuming you want to go? Make sure you're sure of that first.

My suggestion is to go in with the thought 'Give me what I need.'

There were times I went with just the intention of open to receive what I needed to know & allow healing to be.

Yes I do want to go. I certainly feel some anxiety and resistance towards it, mostly because it's not something I do to have a good time, but deep down I do want to go.
Maybe my intention just needs to be finding the next direction in my life. I'll sit with this and see where it leads.
#7 Posted : 11/11/2019 3:37:28 AM

"Psilocybin makes nicer people

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KuzeMaf wrote:
I often notice, that I too have difficulty in finding a true intention.

In these cases, I simply do a light meditation or yoga stretch, relax my mind, and if I still feel the journey calling me, then I proceed with love in my mind/heart, while reminding myself that "letting go" will be an ally as I enter the unknown waters of my next trip.

I'm at a place now where I don't feel an intention is always necessary. As someone noted above, it tends to give you what you need, addressing shortcomings, and providing you with the tools to see how you can do things differently, or how you can stimulate growth in the various aspects of life/existence.

Love and Light and Travel Well.

Thanks for this. I've got a few weeks before the journey so I'll work on this approach and see what bubbles up. Smile
#8 Posted : 11/11/2019 4:11:49 AM

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The intention is always to remember the secret. One is going to use a tool for these purposes, remember this when drinking. Since the secret is ungraspable, because its unlimited and we only have limited brains, then it is always forgotten...but if one doesnt know the secret the intention then is to discover it.

On a deeper level, the strategic way of going about it is to understand that these are once in a lifetime experiences. You can never see these things again. So one must pay deep atention to the visions...more atention can be given than one ever gave before...because if one misses it one misses an important part of the puzzle which can not be recaptured. So a strategic intention is to pay attention and to remember the goal; that beautiful secret which is inefible.

Is not the intention to figure the universe and life out? Is that not what we were born to do? Is that not why life is so magical? In this manner it becomes clear that the setting of an intention is a remeberance of who and what we are. Who are you and where are you going? Powerful questions. We get lost in these questions, yet if we were to observe a flower very deeply the answer to these questions and more would be revealed; the beauty of life, the shortness of it, that is the intention as to why we want to delve in these things. Dance, cry, and laugh, be lighthearted; its a very short life, there is so much to see. And the lovliest thing to see is the beauty of the heart and soul and body
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#9 Posted : 11/11/2019 1:29:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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HAHA fran like i said you say things that match so well! i just posted in another thread about my intention to learn how to REMEMBER what i am taught....ironically i remember that trip quite well but taught me nothing of how to remember others!

I dont drink (cant use maoi right now) but my intentions have always been specific things that i THINK will serve me. Usually its not specifically based on what i ASK for anyway.....future trips will not be specific i dont think. more along the lines of give me what i need. Sometimes we dont realize WHAT we need until the thoughts that are sparked AFTER the experience or at all.
Cactus Man
#10 Posted : 11/17/2019 7:49:50 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Those usually help me seek out and identify my intention
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