Hi guys! I am fully new to Dmt i never did any of these drugs before. Now i want to enlighten my world.
So i have a few questions. Please old experienced travellers answer if you can.
First- Why we remember to the experience if we are in another dimensions? Then somehow we still attached to our human body but we can't feel it? Why we remember?
Second- This experience is like watching a movie on the TV? Like it is that real? Or in real life? Like i go walk in the park?
Third- It is true i will be rich after the experience, and my life change for the best? I read that Steve Jobs did LSD and that's why he was so good.
Fourth- What is your best tip for a beginner like me?
When i was kid i closed my eyes and saw geometric things floating around is that another realm?
I drawed an entitie form. Do you guys saw entities like in the picture ? When i think about entities that shape what i can imagine.
Have a great day and love for everyone. If you answer that would help me a lot. Thank you!
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