Homeopathic medicine is fraud you guys are delusional if you think that stuff actually works. Anyway Spagyric preparations are not homeopathic so lets avoid that.
Lets quote this website to see how stupid they really are.
Quote:Paracelsus repeatedly stressed the importance of working with all three levels of the plant's being- the obvious physical of the Salt, the life force and intelligence of the Mercury, and the eternal core of the Sulfur.
Yea some physician this guy was. Salt, life force, intelligence, mercury and sulfer are what he thinks are the levels of plants being. WRONG! I'll give the guy some credit though this was 16th century. He didn't know any better and back then all this trial and error and extracting was the beginnings of modern chemistry. So I give him credit. But you people should know better!
Quote:Homeopathic remedies are created by extracting a substance in a menstruum, usually alcohol, then using successive dilutions and succussions of this "mother tincture" to create a remedy which is charged with a static or frozen vibrational signature of the original material used, but with none of its physical characteristics.
This is the basis for homeopathy. There is no such thing as static frozen vibrational signatures of the original plant material. This is a bold faced lie and I can't believe people in the 21st century believe it.
Quote:All of these levels are accessed, purified, and incorporated into the final Spagyric through processes of concentration, and the final result in a properly made Spagyric will be a very concentrated extract with the deep colour, intense flavour, and low dosage typical of our products. The difference between our Spagyrics and any homeopathics, then, is even apparent to the ordinary senses.
I don't think people who know how plants work or whats in them are capable of purifying anything from them. I wouldn't trust this guys extracts as far as I can piss.
Quote:Our Spagyrics are made following a continuum of process and energy, and that continuum should be kept intact in their use. But they do work very effectively when used in conjunction with homeopathics, and many of our clients work this way. Homeopathics do a great job of smoothing out layers of symptom and imbalance, to allow the patient to become more clear, receptive, and open to the deeper long-term work that Spagyrics can then be brought in for.
More bullshit. There is no actual evidence that his medicines work for anything. If they had it they would advertise it. As usual its just another website selling herbal extract with tons of claims. Don't get me wrong herbal medicines do work but only if they contain the right active components at the right dose.
Nature has created every natural thing with three essential aspects or levels of being. At best, other types of extraction result in only one or two parts of this whole.
Again a complete and utter lie.
Quote:Only Spagyric processing can create medicines with all three. This well-rounded approach makes Spagyrics the true Holistic medicines. Additionally, conventional herbal preparation methods can not extract the minerals of a plant, and are missing many of the alkaloids as well, and so are lacking much of what makes a plant medicinal.
Again a complete and utter lie, there are many plant preparations that contain a full spectrum of bioactive compounds. But there are also cases when nobody knows whats really the active compound. There are also many companies who do not do quality control and therefore no one can garuntee anything active is in their extract. I garuntee this company has NO quality control over their so called plant products. Judging from what endlessness said they seem to have no clue whats levels are in their extracts.
They don't provide any quality control indication on their website so they are no different and potentially worse then any other commercial seller of herbal extracts. Many reputable commercial providers of herbal extracts can at least tell you something about quality control if you ask. If they can't you shouldn't buy what they are selling. This website is filled with misinformation and boldfaced lies. I don't think anyone should be supporting these kind of people. You can just as easily make your own extracts from cheap and available herbs or go to reputable companies.
Quote:I remember some controversy regarding effectiveness of spagyrics in MAO inhibition. When this came up I think I directly asked the owner about alkaloidal content saying it was an interesting information considering this was a dmt forum and some people might use for the MAOI, but s/he avoided my question saying it was not the point of spagyrics to make this sort of 'quantitative' analysis, or something of the sort....
Yet if you look on their website they go on about how high quality their material is. How do they know? They don't. They could be adulterating everything we have NO WAY OF KNOWING. They could be cutting everything with caffeine who knows there is a million things wrong with the way this company is advertising and marketing their products.
This kind of lack of quality control is a huge issue in the herbal drug / extract industry. Quality control is important to know whats in your sample both for clinical trials and for giving assurance of an effective medicine. Of course quality control costs a bit more because you need to analyze the material but I think its worth it. Even if its just to out compete losers and quacks like the people who run this website. Sometimes its not necessary either I mean really who cares whats in the mint tea you bought? But if you are selling something and claiming its a medicine you should go that extra step as peoples lives could be at stake.
Anyway the lesson is only buy herbal products / extracts from reputable sources. People who say we don't do 'quantitative' analysis and saying its not the point of their medicine don't know what they are talking about. Furthermore if they believe in homeopathy they are stupid. No offense to anyone here who does but seriously this quackery is getting out of hand again on this website.