DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 147 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-May-2019 Location: everywhere and anywhere
right i just had a puff on ye old spice from thy elves , so i was in my living room looking at a painting when i was catapulted to another place through straight tunnel of what i can describe as kind of multicolored vortex i think i kind of go through the painting , so im on this ultra colored space couldn't tell if i was sitting or standing either breathing which left me a bit scared then this figure comes near me and starts dancing and changing shape first it was like a goddess of some sort then it changes to another god form that looked like ganesha indian god , straigth after it changes again but this time is kali another indian goddess it comes near me and says "relax let go" and i started falling at an incredible speed no colors this time but really dark i felt hopeless and alone ,cold until i got to a light and my eyes started seeing again in on my living room still looking at the same picture it was only 6 min total i felt an eternity go by , i still fell my body shaking of the spice , it always happens when i smoke , but i never saw indian god figures on dmt or to feel really cold couldn't get the message of this trip it was fast and long , but short i think i'll sleep thinking about it 2morrow im going again same place same picture same chair different thoughts
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 74 Joined: 16-Mar-2008 Last visit: 09-Jul-2019 Location: I wish I knew :)
MR.shroom wrote:right i just had a puff on ye old spice from thy elves , so i was in my living room looking at a painting when i was catapulted to another place through straight tunnel of what i can describe as kind of multicolored vortex i think i kind of go through the painting , so im on this ultra colored space couldn't tell if i was sitting or standing either breathing which left me a bit scared then this figure comes near me and starts dancing and changing shape first it was like a goddess of some sort then it changes to another god form that looked like ganesha indian god , straigth after it changes again but this time is kali another indian goddess it comes near me and says "relax let go" and i started falling at an incredible speed no colors this time but really dark i felt hopeless and alone ,cold until i got to a light and my eyes started seeing again in on my living room still looking at the same picture it was only 6 min total i felt an eternity go by , i still fell my body shaking of the spice , it always happens when i smoke , but i never saw indian god figures on dmt or to feel really cold couldn't get the message of this trip it was fast and long , but short i think i'll sleep thinking about it 2morrow im going again same place same picture same chair different thoughts So, did you meet Indian gods again? ~let the beauty be around you~
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 147 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-May-2019 Location: everywhere and anywhere
nope , i don't know how that happened , i think it could have something related to a couple of book I've been reading (bhagavad gita) the only time i remember seeing religious deities was on acid a good couple of years ago ,after leaving a party completely diluted on LSD my pupils looked like the eyes of the cookie monster, i remember looking at the sky and seeing loads of gods in the clouds looking down at humanity overseeing all and controlling all , that was really strong my wife thought i was going insane , has i managed to get lost walking back home cuz i couldn't stop staring at the sky and all the streets looked the same , every street i looked at immediately converted into a kind of kaleidoscope leaving me completely lost on my sense of direction (it was really good fun,it was like something was about to happen at any time)(i luv lsd)
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 74 Joined: 16-Mar-2008 Last visit: 09-Jul-2019 Location: I wish I knew :)
Oh, that was because of the book, I think And I did have rather strange experience with Bhagavad-Gita, too. While behind shrooms (high dosage!) I decided to look at Gita I had at home. Frankly just to watch colors (cover was very bright) and how they would change. Ha! Imagine my surprise when after this "colors trip" I just immediately came back to Earth in just a few seconds!!! Trip cancelled!!! I could feel going back to my body at the speed of light thru different realms untill I was totally back here. Strange episode...  Or, may be, Krishna just saved my "astral body" from something unpleasant? ~let the beauty be around you~