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"I'm there but I can't think" and other questions Options
#1 Posted : 10/24/2019 10:17:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 160
Joined: 30-Jun-2019
Last visit: 20-Dec-2022
Hey everyone,

I have yet to BT (I've had my fair share of sub-BT, it's getting a tiny bit frustrating but I learnt patience, so I'm alright) and initially didn't want to ask too many questions, so I could make my journey without too much expectations, but as the BT keeps avoiding me, I want to ask you guys a couple of things:

at each of my last tries, I got sucked in a spiral of geometrical patterns, veils and doors openings, and it was like things are being asked of me, entities are telling me things but I can't do anything, can't answer anything, can't think anything. It's like "I'm there" but as a pure observer who lost the ability to reflect. Is this common? Every time I read someone telling their BT story, they were conscious in the traditional sense (capable of self-reflection). When in the "spiral", I really feel like I lost that ability.

The last two attempts contained a new feeling: during the whole peak-spiral thing, I felt like I had a sitter. I felt like someone was in the room, a friend (not a specific friend). I've never read anyone saying that, so I figured I'd ask.

I think tonight was my most intense experience: during the peak, I felt like "entities" were leaning over me and actually operating on me, touching my body... at some point they were trying to open my mouth, and when I did open it, it felt like air was finally going in, like I was doing apnea before. That happened 3 times during the trip. When I breathed, I heard the air resonating in my throat. Does that ring a bell?

thank you : )
"How Small A Thought It Takes To Fill A Whole Life"

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#2 Posted : 10/24/2019 11:44:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 85
Joined: 12-Jun-2019
Last visit: 06-Nov-2019
When you say you heard the air resonating in your throat - do you mean like a buzzing vibration as you inhale, almost metallic?
#3 Posted : 10/25/2019 9:20:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 160
Joined: 30-Jun-2019
Last visit: 20-Dec-2022
SpaceGandalf wrote:
When you say you heard the air resonating in your throat - do you mean like a buzzing vibration as you inhale, almost metallic?

yeah, I'd say that!
"How Small A Thought It Takes To Fill A Whole Life"
#4 Posted : 10/25/2019 9:22:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 160
Joined: 30-Jun-2019
Last visit: 20-Dec-2022
Also, when I say "things are being asked of me", I think that my general feeling at the moment is something like "but don't they know I can't do anything? I'm sure they know!"
"How Small A Thought It Takes To Fill A Whole Life"
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