I´ve had a few discussions with my shaman trying to get him onboard on the DMT train. He had done a lot of yage/ayahuasca but convincing him the experience were disimilar was hard. His main income is as a facilitator of 5-meo which he does really well. But i was keen on him learning more about the pure DMT experience as he could be a good guide for a lot of people.
He has this place where he does ceremonies & temazcal. As a healing village.
https://www.facebook.com/ceremoniasnawake/He called me because they wanted to try what is called in Mexico "Nave de Pakal" which is a ceremony where people smoke enhanced leaf (marihuana). Pakal is a mayan gobernor who is the source for a lot of "ancient-aliens-architects" controversy, as in his sarcophagus when viewed horizontally he seems to be riding a spacerocket/motorbike. This theory gained international awareness with the book Chariot of the gods.
Weeks after giving them DMT, they told me the "medicine" had talked to them and explained itself how that the ceremony needs to be done blindfolded. And that i needed to try it as cannabis had direct linking with the Kundalini, and the DMT with our cosmic past. etc. etc.
i´m not against mixing substances, but the effects of NN´DMT and weed are not synergistic imho. I don´t think it works well in theory. But well i might go ahead and give it a try, myself. it might me relaxing, but im almost sure i wont be hitting high peaks.
for that real "nave de pakal" tittle i would only expect it to be smoking some changa after doing a few grams of mushrooms.