Propello wrote:Welcome brother, love to see more people in ny age class here 😍
Looking forward to read up on your stories.
Maybe we should start an aging sub-forum? I'm only half-kidding here, thats at least 3 of us here with over a half-century.
Actually though (To the Mods), how about a recovery from addiction sub? There are a ton of us here, regardless of age, who have or are trying to deal with their addictions through the use of DMT and other psychs. I have a lot of experience with this, both personally and professionally. I left the recovery "industry" as a recovery mentor because I felt my hands were tied as far as recommending or even talking about what worked for me and instead had to tow a party line of western psychiatry and pharmaceuticals, which I could not tolerate as I watch people kill themselves. I left and now use my words and experience to help others in active addiction or struggling through a recovery attempt, and feel much more effective in the role of a non-employed peer mentor.
An opportunity to impart and share our experiences all in one easy to find spot, could be a useful thing. There was a debacle years ago with another sub I proposed, but without wanting to moderate it. Back then I did not even have a home and was outside, the idea of doing that on a shite phone was daunting. Of course, with the help of the things we talk about here, that situation is much different and I have the 'puter and all the things to do it with, so I'm willing and game, if y'all will have me. This time, I have the time and energy necessary to make this a reality if any other participants are into it, and the Mods give it a thumbs up.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*