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39 years of psychedelic experience left me with lots of questions still Options
#1 Posted : 9/30/2019 11:24:18 PM

amazing marbles in my mouth

Posts: 22
Joined: 28-Sep-2019
Last visit: 19-Mar-2020
Hi Folks,
I have spent much of my life exploring psychedelics mostly mushrooms and LSD before before I finally got introduced to DMT 5 years ago. I am in my mid 50's. I first read about DMT in the early 80s in Omni magazine as a teen. I wanted to experience it ever since. I had to wait decades.

DMT has been more.. useful and profound in personal change than any substance I have ever touched. It helped me beat an opiate addiction of 22 years with a single breakthrough. It helped me get over the death of the person closest to me and the love of my life. It has made me laugh till I thought I would die and cry rivers of tears. It has replayed past memories in perfect detail including passed trips and childhood dreams. It has done odd things like spin electric vibrating round balls in my mouth everytime I had an ephiany. Of all the trips I had a few have left me with some questions I simply cannot answer how they were possible.

I have had some uncomfortable trips that some might consider bad. I hope maybe my experience might be helpful in someway and also I am super interested in certain aspects of DMT such as subconscious memory recall helping people with past trauma etc. I have lots of stories to share. Many highlight the power and importance of setting your intentions. A firm believer in harm reduction. Peace!

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#2 Posted : 10/1/2019 12:02:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 373
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Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
Welcome brother, love to see more people in ny age class here 😍

Looking forward to read up on your stories.

#3 Posted : 10/1/2019 12:18:25 AM

amazing marbles in my mouth

Posts: 22
Joined: 28-Sep-2019
Last visit: 19-Mar-2020
Hi Propello! I have read lots of your posts. Happy to meet you too thanks for the warm welcome. Very happy to be here. Glad I am not the only old fart here. Laughing

Propello wrote:
Welcome brother, love to see more people in ny age class here 😍

Looking forward to read up on your stories.


#4 Posted : 10/1/2019 3:14:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I really like this forum because of the more oldest guys there comparing to other drug related forums. I would love to ear more about your experiences and technical knowledge about using theses substances wisely. I find all healing stories about DMT fascinating and would love to be able to predict the outcome of a trip beforehand (or learning how to maximise benefit outcome). I don't trust me yet to be able to handle such a powerful substance and limited my use to low doses, but as I grow and faces my anxieties someday I will certainly aim for the breakthrough. I'm not in an hurry, and waiting this day, will read you with high interest!

Bests Smile

#5 Posted : 10/1/2019 6:24:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 07-Nov-2019
Definitely gonna be on the look out for your stories! Good vibes coming from you, much love!
#6 Posted : 10/6/2019 10:47:03 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome. And my first question to you is: "Did you really hunt any Machine Elves?"
#7 Posted : 10/22/2019 1:32:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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You are welcomed with Love and Light!

I would love to hear how DMT helped you overcome 22 years of opiate dependency. That is amazing!

I have been studying DMT and opiates for a few years now, and every so often I hear ex opiate users tell beautiful stories of how they used DMT (among other psychedelics) to get off opiates.

You sound like a veteran. I'll be looking forward to your future posts.
All is the one....One is the all.

Math. Simple math looks infinite to me.
#8 Posted : 10/22/2019 6:51:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I would also like to hear about your recovery through psychedelics from opiate addiction. You and I share some numbers, I too spent 22 years, with heroin, but I have not been sucessful in fully titrating off of methadone, and currently sit at 25mg/day. Psychedelics helped me to construct a spiritual-or meaningful- foundation to which I could connect and from which I could do other work. Standing on that firm foundation I've been able through meditation and visionary practice-with and without psychs- to find and deal with the emotional basis of my addiction; which was a response to PTSD. We are all self-medicating with our addictions, because we are ignorant of other options.

Tell me more about you. I am happy to see another old motherlover here. I just turned 50 last June, an accomplishment for me that I did not plan for...

Welcome to a wonderful place. These people have stuck with me for years through crisis after crisis as I grew from an immature and ignorant psychedelic user to a practical tripper with my own ideas about all this stuff. There are good folks here, nothin but love, and it is like no other place dealing with this subject on the web. Have fun and be good to you, man! Peace!

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#9 Posted : 10/22/2019 6:53:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Propello wrote:
Welcome brother, love to see more people in ny age class here 😍

Looking forward to read up on your stories.


Maybe we should start an aging sub-forum? I'm only half-kidding here, thats at least 3 of us here with over a half-century.

Actually though (To the Mods), how about a recovery from addiction sub? There are a ton of us here, regardless of age, who have or are trying to deal with their addictions through the use of DMT and other psychs. I have a lot of experience with this, both personally and professionally. I left the recovery "industry" as a recovery mentor because I felt my hands were tied as far as recommending or even talking about what worked for me and instead had to tow a party line of western psychiatry and pharmaceuticals, which I could not tolerate as I watch people kill themselves. I left and now use my words and experience to help others in active addiction or struggling through a recovery attempt, and feel much more effective in the role of a non-employed peer mentor.

An opportunity to impart and share our experiences all in one easy to find spot, could be a useful thing. There was a debacle years ago with another sub I proposed, but without wanting to moderate it. Back then I did not even have a home and was outside, the idea of doing that on a shite phone was daunting. Of course, with the help of the things we talk about here, that situation is much different and I have the 'puter and all the things to do it with, so I'm willing and game, if y'all will have me. This time, I have the time and energy necessary to make this a reality if any other participants are into it, and the Mods give it a thumbs up.Thumbs up Laughing

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#10 Posted : 11/4/2019 6:06:49 PM

This too shall pass

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Good to see more 50+ persons here! (I'm one of them.) Yes, it is my experience too that DMT has more therapeutic potential than any other psychedelic I've tried, though I've not tried 5-MeO-DMT or DPT. For me it feels right to have waited to a more mature age before experiencing DMT.
#11 Posted : 11/4/2019 7:00:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good idea null24! We need a geriatric subcat for the old school. No memes or smileys allowed 😅

I agree psychedelicsummer, glad I waited with DMT until late. Makes the fifties a lot more interesting 👍
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